Television cameras and displays
Camera image sensors
The television camera is a device that employs light-sensitive image sensors to convert an optical image into a sequence of electrical signals—in other words, to generate the primary components of the picture signal. The first sensors were mechanical spinning disks, based on a prototype patented by the German Paul Nipkow in 1884. As the disk rotated, light reflected from the scene passed through a series of apertures in the disk and entered a photoelectric cell, which translated the sequence of light values into a corresponding sequence of electric values. In this way the entire scene was scanned, one line at a time, and converted into an electric signal.
Large spinning disks were not the best way to scan a scene, and by the mid-20th century they were replaced by vacuum tubes, which utilized an electron beam to scan an image of a scene that was focused on a light-sensitive surface within the tube. Electronic camera tubes were one of the major inventions that led to the ultimate technological success of television. Today they have been replaced in most cameras by smaller, cheaper solid-state imagers such as charge-coupled devices. Nevertheless, they firmly established the principle of line scanning (introduced by the Nipkow disks) and thus had a great influence on the design of standards for transmitting television picture signals.
Electron tubes
The first electronic camera tubes were invented in the United States by Vladimir K. Zworykin (the Iconoscope) in 1924 and by Philo T. Farnsworth (the Image Dissector) in 1927. These early inventions were soon succeeded by a series of improved tubes such as the Orthicon, the Image Orthicon, and the Vidicon. The operation of the camera tube is based on the photoconductive properties of certain materials and on electron beam scanning. These principles can be illustrated by a description of the Vidicon, one of the most enduring and versatile camera tubes. (See the .)
The tube elements of the Vidicon are relatively simple, being contained in a cylindrical glass envelope that is only a few centimetres in diameter and is hence quite adaptable to portable cameras. At one end of the envelope, a transparent metallic conductor serves as a signal plate. Deposited directly on the signal plate is a photoresistive material (e.g., a compound of selenium or lead) the electrical resistance of which is high in the dark but becomes progressively less as the amount of light increases. The optical image is focused on the end of the tube and passes through the signal plate to the photoresistive layer, where the light induces a pattern of varying conductivity that matches the distribution of brightness in the optical image. The conduction paths through the layer allow positive charge from the signal plate (which is maintained at a positive voltage) to pass through the layer, and this current continues to flow during the interval between scans. Charge storage thus occurs, and an electrical charge image is built up on the rear surface of the photoresistor.
An electron beam, deflected in the vertical and horizontal directions by electromagnetic coils, scans the rear surface of the photoresistive layer. The beam electrons neutralize the positive charge on each point in the electrical image, and the resulting change in potential is transferred by capacitive action to the signal plate, from which the television signal is derived.
The typical colour television camera contained three tubes, with an optical system that cast an identical image on the sensitive surface of each one. The optics consisted of a lens and four mirrors that reflected the image rays from the lens onto the three tubes. Two of the mirrors were of a colour-selective type (a dichroic mirror) that reflected the light of one colour and transmitted the remaining colours. The mirrors, augmented by colour filters that perfected their colour-selective action, directed a blue image to the first tube, a green image to the second, and a red image to the third. The three tubes were designed to produce identical scans of the scene, so that their respective picture signals represented images of the same geometric shape, differing only in colour. The respective primary-colour signals were passed through video preamplifiers associated with each tube and emerged from the camera as separate entities.
Charge-coupled devices
Camera tubes need frequent adjustment and replacement, are sensitive to mechanical vibration and shock, are large and bulky, and suffer from various image problems, such as blooming with bright lights, smearing, and retained images. For this reason modern television cameras utilize solid-state image sensors, which are small in size, rugged, and reliable and offer excellent light sensitivity and high resolution.
Solid-state image sensors are charge-coupled devices (CCDs) constructed as large-scale integrated circuits on semiconductor chips. The basic sensor element includes a photodiode and field-effect transistor. Light falling on the junction of the photodiode liberates electrons and creates holes, resulting in an electric charge that accumulates in proportion to the intensity and duration of the light falling on the diode. A typical CCD sensor has more than 250,000 sensor elements, organized into 520 vertical columns and 483 horizontal rows. This two-dimensional matrix analyzes the image into a corresponding number of pixels. In one type of image sensor, the charges accumulated by the sensor elements are transferred one row at a time by a vertical shift register to a horizontal register, from which they are shifted out in a bucket brigade fashion to form the video signal.
A colour CCD image sensor uses a checkerboard pattern of transparent colour filters. These filters can represent the three primary colours of red, green, and blue, thereby generating three electrical signals corresponding to the three primary colours. Alternatively, prisms can be used to separate the image into its three primary colours; in that case three separate CCD sensors are used, one for each primary colour.
The cathode-ray tube (CRT) television screen is the oldest display technology, with a history extending back to the late 1890s. It is still difficult to better, although its considerable depth, weight, and high voltage requirements are disadvantages. Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are perfect for small laptop computers and are also being used more commonly for desktop computers; but large-screen LCDs for television are costly and difficult to manufacture, and they do not have the brightness and wide field of view of the CRT. The basic concepts of plasma display panels (PDPs) are decades old, but only recently have they begun to find commercial use for television. There are many other display technologies, such as ferroelectric liquid crystal, field emission, and vacuum fluorescent, but they have not reached the commercial viability of the CRT, LCD, and PDP, which are described in turn below. Improvements may well occur in the CRT, renewing the life and utility of this old technology. However, LCDs and PDPs seem more appropriate for the new digital and compression technologies, and so their future in television seems bright.