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The civil rights movement underwent a marked shift in emphasis after 1970. Legislative goals had largely been achieved. And even more significant than some of the civil rights laws was Pres. Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society program. Established as a War on Poverty, it greatly expanded welfare programs. One goal of the Great Society was to help realize some of the intentions of civil rights legislation. This could only be done by opening up opportunities for African Americans in schooling, housing, and the labor force. Thus, a new emphasis emerged: affirmative action programs tried to remedy the effects of historical discrimination by assuring present opportunities. Sometimes quota systems were used in school admission and job hiring, a policy that was denounced by some non-Black commentators as reverse discrimination. Affirmative action programs helped African Americans achieve notable gains in education and allowed Black families to rise into the middle and upper-middle class.
Nevertheless, many African Americans continued to face difficult social and economic challenges, especially in the inner cities. A reminder of the lingering tensions in some impoverished city neighborhoods came in 1992, when four white police officers were acquitted in the beating of Rodney King, an African American motorist, in Los Angeles. Hours after the acquittal, the city erupted in riots in which more than 50 people were killed. Smaller riots broke out in other U.S. cities.
Political progress
The voter registration drives that intensified during the 1960s began to show results by the end of the decade. In 1960 only about 28 percent of the African American voting-age population in the South was registered, and there were perhaps a hundred African American elected officials. By 1969, with the number of registrants more than doubled, up to 1,185 African Americans had been elected to state and local offices.
Some of the electoral gains were spectacular. The first Black chief executive of a major city was an appointee—Walter E. Washington, who became the commissioner of Washington, D.C., in 1967. But in other cities African Americans were elected mayor—Carl Stokes in Cleveland, Ohio, and Richard Hatcher in Gary, Indiana, in 1967; Kenneth Gibson in Newark in 1969; Tom Bradley in Los Angeles, Coleman A. Young in Detroit, and Maynard Jackson in Atlanta in 1973; Ernest N. Morial in New Orleans in 1977; Richard Arrington in Birmingham in 1979; Wilson Goode in Philadelphia and Harold Washington in Chicago in 1983; Kurt L. Schmoke in Baltimore in 1987. Also in 1987, Carrie Saxon Perry of Hartford, Connecticut, became the first Black woman to be elected mayor of a large city. An African American became mayor of the largest city in the United States in 1989 when David Dinkins won the general election after a stunning primary defeat of New York City’s incumbent mayor. Bradley’s attempt, in California, to become the country’s first elected Black governor failed in 1982, but seven years later L. Douglas Wilder of Virginia reached that milestone.
African American politicians made gains on the national level as well. The first Black senator since the Reconstruction period was Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts, who served from 1967 to 1979. In 1992 Illinois voters elected Carol Moseley Braun to be the first African American woman in the U.S. Senate. The first African American named to the Supreme Court was Thurgood Marshall, in 1967. When Marshall retired in 1991, he was succeeded by another Black associate justice, Clarence Thomas.
The first African American member of a presidential cabinet was Robert C. Weaver, secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD; 1966). Another secretary of HUD, Patricia Roberts Harris, was the first Black woman in the cabinet (1977). Andrew Young was named ambassador to the United Nations in 1977. In 1989 Colin Powell, a four-star general in the army, was chosen to be chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—the country’s highest military post. In 2001 Powell also became the first African American secretary of state. In 2005 he was succeeded as secretary of state by Condoleezza Rice, the first Black woman to hold the post.
African Americans reached the pinnacle of U.S. politics when Barack Obama was elected president in 2008. The son of a Black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas, Obama was a first-term U.S. senator from Illinois when the Democrats selected him as their presidential candidate. His ascent to the presidency was lauded as a great leap forward for race relations in the United States.
Other contributions to American life
Ralph Ellison’s novel of alienation and the blues, Invisible Man, won the National Book Award for 1953. Like its nameless, faceless narrator, many African Americans in the 1940s searched for identity in a white-dominated society. Their concerns were ignored or neglected. Their accomplishments, except as entertainers, went unrecognized. They were excluded from restaurants, theaters, hotels, and clubs.
In protesting the abuse of human rights, King’s leadership and the Black Power movement brought high visibility to African Americans. In the era of the Invisible Man, left-wing causes had exploited African Americans as anonymous symbols of oppression, but in the1960s the media made celebrities of activists such as Black Panther supporter Angela Davis and SNCC’s Julian Bond, who, at age 28, in 1968 was put forward for the Democratic Party’s vice presidential nomination. In the forefront of the civil rights marches were author James Baldwin, gospel singer Mahalia Jackson, folksingers Harry Belafonte and Odetta, and comedian Dick Gregory.