An Historical, Political and Moral Essay on Revolutions, Ancient and Modern
work by Chateaubriand
Also known as: “Essai sur les révolutions”
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In François-Auguste-René, vicomte de Chateaubriand
In London he began his Essai sur les révolutions (1797; “Essay on Revolutions”), an emotional survey of world history in which he drew parallels between ancient and modern revolutions in the context of France’s own recent upheavals.
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place in French literature
- In French literature: Chateaubriand
An Historical, Political and Moral Essay on Revolutions, Ancient and Modern), is a complex and sometimes confused attempt to understand revolution in general, the French Revolution in particular, and the individual’s relationship to these phenomena. Chateaubriand took as his model the stance of the 18th-century…
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