Ars magna
work by Llull
Also known as: “Ars magna, generalis et ultima”
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In Ramon Llull
…is collectively known as the Ars magna (1305–08; “The Great Art”) and includes the treatises Arbor scientiae (“The Tree of Knowledge”) and Liber de ascensu et descensu intellectus (“The Book of the Ascent and Descent of the Intellect”). Llull attempted to place Christian apologetics on the level of rational discussion,…
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history of logic
- In history of logic: The 16th century
His Ars magna, generalis et ultima (1501; “Great, General and Ultimate Art”) represents an attempt to symbolize concepts and derive propositions that form various combinations of possibilities. These notions, associated with lore of the Kabbala, later influenced Pascal and Leibniz and the rise of probability theory.…
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