Corporate Average Fuel Economy
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Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE), standards designed to improve the fuel economy of cars, light trucks, and sport-utility vehicles (SUVs) sold in the United States. Enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1975 as part of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, the CAFE standards were a response to an energy crisis in the United States and were initially part of an effort to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil. Those standards have since become part of the debate surrounding climate change mitigation, as vehicles are major emitters of greenhouse gases.
CAFE standards are overseen by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and require automobile manufacturers to meet certain miles per gallon (mpg) standards for their fleet of vehicles. In 1974 the average U.S. passenger car had an mpg of less than 13 (5.5 km/litre). The CAFE standards required all new automobiles to have an average mpg of 27.5 mpg (11.7 km/litre) by 1985. As of 2013 the 27.5 mpg standard remained unchanged for passenger cars, with light trucks and SUVs required to meet a standard of 23.5 mpg (10 km/litre). However, the average fuel economy was required to reach 37.8 mpg (16.1 km/litre) for cars and 28.8 mpg (12.2 km/litre) for light trucks and SUVs by 2016. In 2012 President Barack Obama announced a 2025 CAFE standard of an average of 54.5 mpg (23.2 km/litre) fleet-wide for cars and for light trucks and SUVs. (Additionally, the Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] added the requirement that overall tailpipe emissions of carbon dioxide decrease to 163 grams per mile [101 grams/km] by 2025.)
A manufacturer’s CAFE is the average fuel economy of the manufacturer’s fleet of vehicles for that model year weighted by the production volume of each model of car. CAFE standards for passenger cars and for light trucks and SUVs are calculated separately. A manufacturer’s fleet of passenger cars is divided into domestics and imports, as determined by the percentage of components manufactured outside the United States and Canada. The manufacturer must meet CAFE standards for both its domestic and its import fleet separately. Failure to meet the standard results in a penalty of $5.50 for each one-tenth mpg the manufacturer is below the standard multiplied by the number of vehicles in manufacturer’s fleet for that model year. If a manufacturer exceeds the CAFE standard in any year, the manufacturer is granted excess credits that may be used against past or future shortfalls (up to three years in either direction). Manufacturers may also receive credits through the use of alternative fuels (e.g., natural gas and ethanol) under the Alternative Motor Fuels Act of 1988 or the use of emissions-reducing technologies under the 2017–25 plan.
Opponents of raising CAFE standards claimed that requiring automobile manufacturers to increase the mpg of their vehicles causes greater harm to society than benefits. The primary concern of opponents was that manufacturers would meet mpg standards by reducing the size and weight of their vehicles, which would lead to more deaths from automobile accidents. CAFE proponents, however, claimed that new lightweight materials can allow manufacturers to build higher-fuel-economy vehicles without a negative impact on safety. Opponents also argued that higher fuel economy would lead to higher prices for consumers and to more traffic congestion and automobile accidents because of an increase in driving (assuming that individuals will drive more as the costs of driving a mile will be reduced with a higher automobile mpg). Proponents of the standards held that such indictments are misguided and are actually arguments for increases in gasoline taxes and other transportation policy reforms. Finally, opponents claimed that CAFE standards are unnecessary because technology development, not regulation, drives improvements in fuel economy. Proponents of CAFE standards argued that those technologies already exist and that manufacturers simply need the financial incentive to make the use of those technologies cost-effective.