Dom Casmurro
work by Machado de Assis
Learn about this topic in these articles:
Brazilian literature
- In Brazilian literature: Emergence of the republic
Dom Casmurro), a fictional autobiography by a narrator who suspects his wife of adultery, an act never proved to have actually occurred, owing to the novel’s first-person narration. While Machado’s penultimate novel, Esaú e Jacó (1904; Esau and Jacob), harbours strong allegorical implications regarding the…
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discussed in biography
- In Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis
…Dog?, 1954) and his masterpiece, Dom Casmurro (1899; Eng. trans., 1953), a haunting and terrible journey into a mind warped by jealousy. Translations into English of his shorter fiction included The Devil’s Church, and Other Stories (1977), The Psychiatrist, and Other Stories (1963), A Chapter of Hats: Selected Stories (2008),…
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