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Dragon: Media
Witness the launch of the SpaceX Dragon capsule, May 25, 2012
Video released by spacecraft maker SpaceX celebrating its Dragon capsule, which on...
Video: SpaceX (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
Learn about SpaceX, the first private company in history to send a spacecraft, which it named Dragon, to the International Space Station
Video released by the spacecraft maker SpaceX in August 2012 after it won a contract...
Video: SpaceX (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
SpaceX Dragon
Dragon capsule by SpaceX docking with the International Space Station on May 25,...
SpaceX/NASA (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
Dragon on recovery ship
The SpaceX Dragon spacecraft secured aboard the deck of a recovery ship after its...
Mike Altenhofen/SpaceX (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
SpaceX Dragon at the International Space Station
NASA astronauts Kate Rubins (left) and Jeff Williams retrieving the SpaceX Dragon...
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