Dramatis Personae
work by Browning
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discussed in biography
- In Robert Browning: Life.
…his next book of poems, Dramatis Personae (1864)—including “Abt Vogler,” “Rabbi Ben Ezra,” “Caliban upon Setebos,” and “Mr. Sludge, ‘The Medium’ ”—reached two editions, it was clear that Browning had at last won a measure of popular recognition.
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English literature
- In English literature: Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Only with the publication of Dramatis Personae (1864) did Robert Browning achieve the sort of fame that Tennyson had enjoyed for more than 20 years. The volume contains, in “Rabbi Ben Ezra,” the most extreme statement of Browning’s celebrated optimism. Hand in hand with this reassuring creed, however, go the…
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