Eudemian Ethics
work by Aristotle
Also known as: “Ethica Eudemia”
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In Aristotle: Ethics
In the 19th century the Eudemian Ethics was often suspected of being the work of Aristotle’s pupil Eudemus of Rhodes, but there is no good reason to doubt its authenticity. Interestingly, the Nicomachean Ethics and the Eudemian Ethics have three books in common: books V, VI, and VII of the…
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- In eudaimonia
…Ethics and the (presumably earlier) Eudemian Ethics, Aristotle proposed a more specific answer to the question “What is eudaimonia?,” or “What is the highest good for humans?” The two answers, however, appear to differ significantly from each other, and it remains a matter of debate whether they really are different…
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