Euphues and His England
novel by Lyly
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discussed in biography
- In John Lyly
…Anatomy of Wit (1578) and Euphues and His England (1580), which together made him the most fashionable English writer of the 1580s. Euphues is a romantic intrigue told in letters interspersed with general discussions on such topics as religion, love, and epistolary style. Lyly’s preoccupation with the exact arrangement and…
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place in English literature
- In English literature: Prose styles, 1550–1600
… (1578), which, with its sequel Euphues and His England (1580), set a fashion for an extreme rhetorical mannerism that came to be known as euphuism. The plot of Euphues—a rake’s fall from virtue and his recovery—is but an excuse for a series of debates, letters, and speechifyings, thick with assonance,…
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