Existentialism Is a Humanism
work by Sartre
Also known as: “Existentialism and Humanism”, “L’Existentialism est un humanisme”
Learn about this topic in these articles:
contribution to ethics
- In ethics: Existentialism
…one work, a pamphlet entitled Existentialism Is a Humanism (1946), Sartre backed away from so radical a subjectivism by suggesting a version of Kant’s idea that moral judgments be applied universally. He does not reconcile this view with conflicting statements elsewhere in his writings, and it is doubtful whether it…
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discussed in biography
- In Jean-Paul Sartre: Post-World War II work
…L’Existentialisme est un humanisme (1946; Existentialism and Humanism). Freedom now implied social responsibility. In his novels and plays Sartre began to bring his ethical message to the world at large. He started a four-volume novel in 1945 under the title Les Chemins de la liberté, of which three were eventually…
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