
Judeo-Christian-Islamic deity

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Assorted References

  • Cartesianism
    • René Descartes
      In René Descartes: Meditations of René Descartes

      …proofs for the existence of God. The final proof, presented in the Fifth Meditation, begins with the proposition that Descartes has an innate idea of God as a perfect being. It concludes that God necessarily exists, because, if he did not, he would not be perfect. This ontological argument for…

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    • Malebranche
      In Cartesianism: The Cartesian system

      …science because they believed that God is omnipotent and that his will is entirely free; from this it follows that God could, if he so wished, make any apparent truth a falsehood and any apparent falsehood—even a logical contradiction—a truth. The human intellect, by contrast, is finite; thus, humans can…

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  • heaven
    • Angel showing John the heavenly Jerusalem, manuscript illumination from the Revelation to John, c. 1020; in the Staatsbibliothek in Bamberg, Germany.
      In heaven

      …many religions, the abode of God or the gods, as well as of angels, deified humans, the blessed dead, and other celestial beings. It is often conceived as an expanse that overarches the earth, stretching overhead like a canopy, dome, or vault and encompassing the sky and upper atmosphere; the…

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  • monotheism
    • Isis nursing Horus
      In monotheism

      …or in the oneness of God. As such, it is distinguished from polytheism, the belief in the existence of many gods, from atheism, the belief that there is no god, and from agnosticism, the belief that the existence or nonexistence of a god or of gods is unknown or unknowable.…

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  • philosophical anthropology
    • Socrates
      In philosophical anthropology: Medieval prelude

      …internal to the mind of God gave a very different character to the whole conception of the soul-mind and the goal of its knowledge. Mainly under the influence of the Christian philosopher St. Augustine (354–430), the vocation of the soul was redefined as an aspiration for a vision of and…

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    • Socrates
      In philosophical anthropology: The idealism of Kant and Hegel

      …the being of an infinite God—the very consciousness that had led so many into skepticism and religious despair—was the key to a revitalization of authentic religious faith understood as a “leap” into another dimension of reality. For Nietzsche, by contrast, the great task for human beings was to fill the…

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  • philosophy of religion
    • Charles Sprague Pearce: Religion
      In philosophy of religion: The idea of God

      The claim that there is a God raises metaphysical questions about the nature of reality and existence. In general, it can be said that there is not one concept of God but many, even among monotheistic traditions. The Abrahamic religions are theistic; God is…

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  • religious unity
    • mosaic: Christianity
      In Christianity: The biblical perspective

      As attested in the Bible, God established a covenant with the Hebrew people and gathered the disparate tribes into one religious nation, Israel, taking steps to overcome the alienation between God and humans and to reconcile God’s people. The tradition of ancient Judaism, therefore, was based on the reality of…

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  • theism

New Testament

    • Trinity
      • Justus of Ghent: Saint Augustine
        In St. Augustine: The Trinity

        …Trinity—that is, the threeness of God represented in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Augustine’s Africa had been left out of much of the fray, and most of what was written on the subject was in Greek, a language Augustine barely knew and had little access to. But he was…

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    • views of Augustine
      • Justus of Ghent: Saint Augustine
        In St. Augustine: Chief works

        …the presence of a powerful God.

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      • Justus of Ghent: Saint Augustine
        In St. Augustine: The City of God

        …leapt to the defense of God’s ways. That his readers and the doubters whose murmurs he had heard were themselves pagans is unlikely. At the very least, it is clear that his intended audience comprised many people who were at least outwardly affiliated with the Christian church. During the next…

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      • Justus of Ghent: Saint Augustine
        In St. Augustine: Augustine’s spirit and achievement

        …of his reverence for a God who is remote, distant, and mysterious as well as powerfully and unceasingly present in all times and places. “Totus ubique” was Augustine’s oft-repeated mantra for this doctrine, “The whole of him everywhere.”

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