Imperial Economic Conference
Canada [1932]
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- British imperial preference
- In imperial preference
…producers last”—was negotiated at the Imperial Economic Conference in Ottawa in 1932 and took the form of a series of bilateral agreements intended to extend for five years (lacking a formal renewal, they expired after 1937).
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- In imperial preference
effect on
- Canada
- In Canada: The Great Depression
…the Commonwealth, securing at the Imperial Economic Conference of 1932, held in Ottawa, a series of preferential tariffs, known as the Ottawa Agreements, among the Commonwealth countries (see imperial preference). When the Ottawa Agreements failed to produce the desired results, he approached the
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- world politics
- In 20th-century international relations: Political consequences of the Depression
The Ottawa Imperial Economic Conference of 1932 gave birth to the British Commonwealth of Nations and a system of imperial preferences, signaling the end of Britain’s 86-year-old policy of free trade.
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