- Also called:
- Indic languages
- Key People:
- Rasmus Rask
The most archaic stage of Old Indo-Aryan is represented by the Sanskrit of the Vedas. Modern philologists generally treat the term veda as a noun meaning ‘knowledge.’ According to traditional Indian commentators, however, veda denotes an instrument whereby one gains knowledge of the means—which cannot be known through perception or inferential reasoning—that lead to obtaining desired ends and avoiding undesired ends. That is, the Vedas are considered to reveal such means. There are four major Vedic text groups called saṃhitās: the Ṛgveda (“The Veda Composed in Verses”), the Sāmaveda (“The Veda of the Chants”), the Yajurveda (“The Veda of Sacrificial Formulas”), and the Atharvaveda (“The Veda of the Fire Priest”). The Yajurveda is in turn divided into two main branches, the White (śukla) Yajurveda and the Black (ḳṛṣṇa) Yajurveda. All of these Vedic texts, however, are represented by different recitational traditions in what are called śākhās (branches) and which Western philologists refer to as recensions (see also Hinduism: Sacred texts).
The texts of the Black Yajurveda contain both verses used in rituals (called mantras) and prose sections that are explanatory in nature and that include legends, mythological explanations of rites and the objects and deities associated with these rites, and other matters, together with etymologies—accounts of the derivations of words—to explain why certain things bear particular names. These texts are known collectively as the Brāhmaṇas. Each Veda has one or more brāhmaṇa connected with it. In addition, there are more philosophical Vedic works, the Upaniṣads (“Sessions”) and the Āraṇyaka (“Books of the Forest”).
Also associated with the Vedas are ancillary works referred to as the six Vedāṅgas (“Limbs of the Veda”). Among these are texts generally referred to as kalpas (procedures), which are in turn made of several standard components. For instance, the principal aim of the components called Śrauta-sūtras (“Revelation sutras”) is to provide instructions about ritual performance. Works on astronomy (jyautiṣa) serve to assist in determining the appropriate times for ritual performances. Metrics (chandoviciti), the earliest work in which is ascribed to Piṅgala, describe metrical patterns, a knowledge of which is necessary for the proper understanding of the Vedic mantras.
The remaining three Vedāṅgas are more linguistic. The niruktas explain the etymology of words found in the Vedas by deriving them from verbal bases, thus showing how their meanings reflect association with particular actions. The earliest and most important of such works is the Nirukta of Yāska, commenting on sets of words in a collection called Nighaṇṭu (“Etymology”). The śikṣā (phonetics) deal with the proper pronunciation of Sanskrit. Details of speech production are also found in works called prātiśākhya, which deal with the classification of sounds into phonological classes and with phonological rules serving to derive the continuously recited versions (saṃhitāpāṭha) of the Vedas from posited analyzed texts (padapāṭha). The most ancient of these works are the Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya and Taittirīyaprātiśākhya, respectively associated with the Ṛgveda and the Taittirīyasaṃhitā (“Recension of the Black Yajurveda”); the Vājasaneyiprātiśākhya is associated with the Vājasaneyisaṃhitā (“Recension of the White Yajurveda”). The first two of these show no influence of Pāṇinian techniques and stand a good chance of being pre-Pāṇinian; the last is fairly certain to be post-Pāṇinian, at least in part.
Grammars (vyākaraṇas) concern the description of speech forms (śabda) considered to be correct (sādhu) through derivation and thereby serve to make understood the usage found in the Vedas. The grammar that was granted the status of a Vedāṅga is that of Pāṇini. This work is referred to in toto as a śabdānuśāsana (means of instruction of correct speech forms); since the core of Pāṇini’s work comprises the eight chapters of sūtras that serve to describe both the current language of his time and features particular to Vedic, it also bears the name Aṣṭādhyāyī (“Collection of Eight Chapters”).
The accepted cultivated speech of the contemporary language that Pāṇini describes in his Aṣṭādhyāyī must have coexisted with more vernacular varieties of speech in which there were features belonging to the Middle Indo-Aryan division of the language group. Several facts support this view. The earliest texts available already show evidence of Middle Indo-Aryan. For example, vikaṭa- ‘deformed,’ found in the Ṛgveda (vocative singular feminine vikaṭe), is to be explained as representing a Middle Indic development of earlier vikṛta-, with -aṭ- instead of -ṛt-. The spoken language Pāṇini describes also reflects Middle Indo-Aryan influence. For example, a word for ‘jackal’ has a mixed paradigm, with forms typical of -ṛ-stems of the type kartṛ- ‘doer’ in the nominative and accusative singular (kroṣṭā, kroṣṭāram, cf. kartā, kartāram) and dual (kroṣṭārau, cf. kartārau) and the nominative plural (kroṣṭāraḥ, cf. kartāraḥ), but an -u-stem in the accusative plural (kroṣṭūn) as well as before consonantal endings (e.g., instrumental-dative-ablative dual kroṣṭubhyām, instrumental plural kroṣṭubhiḥ), and forms of either stem alternatively in forms such as the instrumental singular (kroṣṭrā, kroṣṭunā) and others with vocalic endings (e.g., dative singular kroṣṭre, kroṣṭave). This reflects a Middle Indic development of ṛ to u, and forms such as kroṣṭunā are comparable to Pāli pitunā ‘father’ (instrumental singular), which also is part of a mixed paradigm.
The Pāṇinian commentator Kātyāyana (c. 3rd–4th century bce) knew of the coexistence of Middle Indic forms with earlier ones. There is a Pāṇinian rule that provides that verb bases listed in an appendix to the Aṣṭādhyāyī have the class name dhātu (verbal base, root). Kātyāyana discusses whether one could define verbal bases semantically and thereby possibly do without the verb list. He remarks that even if one defines a verbal base as denoting an action, the roots must be listed in order to preclude the possibility that constituents of terms such as āṇapayati/āṇavayati ‘commands’ be assigned the class name in question; āṇapayati/āṇavayati is a Middle Indic counterpart of Sanskrit ājñāpayati.
Commenting on what Kātyāyana said, Patañjali (mid-2nd century bce), adds the examples vaṭṭati and vaḍḍhati, which correspond to Sanskrit vartate ‘occurs, is’ and vardhte ‘grows’; these forms show the use of the active ending -ti instead of the middle ending -te as well as -ṭṭ- and -ḍḍh- for -rt- and -rdht-. Patañjali also explained that to speak flawless Sanskrit (as described by Pāṇini) one should imitate the correct speakers (called śiṣṭa ‘learned, educated, elite’) of Āryāvarta (‘Country of the Aryans’). Moreover, Patañjali noted that one should study grammar in order to learn not to correct words such as helayaḥ instead of herayaḥ (a phrase used in calling to people) or gāvī instead of gauḥ ‘cow’; gāvī is a Middle Indo-Aryan word. Such evidence lends support to the view that by the 6th or 5th century bce Sanskrit (as a medium of communication between members of a particular social stratum) coexisted with Middle Indo-Aryan dialects, and that depending on the circumstances either the higher or the more vernacular forms of speech were used. Further, the Pāli canon records that the Buddha enjoined his followers to use the vernaculars in communicating his teachings, and the Jaina canon identifies Ardhamāgadhī as the language to be employed for communicating the teachings of Mahāvīra. Similarly, Aśoka used Middle Indo-Aryan, not Sanskrit, in the inscriptions he ordered written throughout his kingdom; Sanskrit does not appear on inscriptions until the early centuries of the Common Era (e.g., Rudravarman’s inscription at Junagarh, about 150 ce). The coexistence of Old Indo-Aryan and Middle Indo-Aryan is thus to be accepted from the Vedic times onward.
The current language Pāṇini describes is very close in structure to the late Vedic found in certain Brāhmaṇa texts. As noted earlier, scholars have recognized other varieties of Sanskrit. Epic Sanskrit is so called because it is represented principally in the two epics, Mahābhārata (“Great Epic of the Bhārata Dynasty”) and Rāmāyaṇa (“Romance of Rāma”). In the latter the term saṃskṛta ‘adorned, cultivated, purified (by grammar)’ is encountered, possibly for the first time with reference to the language. The date of composition for the core of early Epic Sanskrit is considered to be in the centuries just preceding the Common Era.
The term Classical Sanskrit is generally used with reference to the language of major poetic works (kāvya), drama (nāṭaka)—in which both Sanskrit and Prākrits were used—as well as tales such as the Hitopadeśa (“Good Advice”) and Pañca-tantra (“Five Chapters”) and technical treatises on grammar, philosophy, and ritual. Not only was Classical Sanskrit used by the poet Kālidāsa and his predecessors Bhāsa, a dramatist, and Aśvaghoṣa, a Buddhist author, in the first centuries ce, but its use also continued long after Sanskrit was a commonly used mother tongue.
Sanskrit remains a language of learned treatises and commentaries. It is also used as a lingua franca among paṇḍitas (traditional scholars) from different areas of India, is recognized in the Eighth Schedule of the constitution of India, and is used by the country’s public broadcasting services, All India Radio and Doordarshan television. Within the census of India, Sanskrit is reported by increasing numbers of people as their mother tongue; for reasons that deserve further investigation, the number of speakers has increased in recent years: about 2,200; 6,100; 49,750; and 14,150 speakers, respectively, for 1971, 1981, 1991, and 2001.
Grammatical modifications
Linguistic developments in Old Indo-Aryan can be traced from the early Vedic forms of the Ṛgveda through the later saṃhitās on to the late Vedic forms of brāhmaṇa prose and sūtras, culminating in the language described by Pāṇini, which is tantamount to what has been called Classical Sanskrit. (In the remainder of this article, Classical Sanskrit refers to the language of the works noted in the previous paragraphs and also the refined spoken language current in Pāṇini’s time and described in the Aṣṭādhyāyī.)
As noted above, Old Indo-Aryan verb forms were subject to significant linguistic development. For example, the nominative plural form ending in -āsas (e.g., devāsas ‘gods’) was already less frequent than -ās in the Ṛgveda and continued to lose ground later; in the Brāhmaṇas, -ās (e.g., devās) is the normal form. There are numerous other changes evident. For example, the instrumental singular form of -a- stems ends both in -ā and -ena (originally a pronoun ending) in the Ṛgveda, with the latter form predominating; thus, vīryā ‘heroic might’ appears once, and vīryeṇa occurs 10 times. In later Vedic texts, -eṇa is the usual ending. All the early Vedic forms are expressly classed as belonging to the sacred language (chandas) by Pāṇini.
The verb also shows chronological and dialect differences. For example, the first person plural ending -masi (e.g., bharāmasi ‘we bear’) predominates over -mas in Ṛgvedic but not in the Atharvaveda; -mas becomes the normal ending later. Early Vedic texts distinguish between aorist, imperfect, and perfect tense forms; for example, the third singular active aorist, imperfect, and perfect forms of gam ‘go’ are agan or agamat, agacchat, and jagāma.
In the current language that Pāṇini describes, the aorist was used to speak of an action carried out at a past time and could include the day on which one spoke, as well as to assert simply that the act in question had taken place. The imperfect, on the other hand, was used with reference to an action that took place some time in the past excluding the day on which one spoke. The perfect was used under these conditions and one more: when the speaker was reporting a past act not directly witnessed. This use of these three preterit forms is also attested in narrations in later Vedic texts. In Vedic of all epochs, the aorist is used in the way described.
On the other hand, already in the Ṛgveda, the perfect and imperfect were used in narrating myths. In dialects reflected in certain other Vedic texts, such as the Taittirīyasaṃhitā, the usual form used in such narration is the imperfect. In addition, some perfect forms continued to be used in Vedic with reference to a state reached—e.g., bibhāya ‘is afraid’ (root bhī). Moreover, even such stative perfects as occurred were generally replaced later. For example, to the perfect bibhāya, a new preterit abibhet ‘was afraid’ was created, on the basis of which speakers formed a present bibheti ‘is afraid,’ and this replaced the older stative perfect, which was then shifted to the normal reporting use of perfect forms: bibhāya (also periphrastic bibhayāñ cakāra) ‘was afraid.’
From earliest Indo-Aryan there are also future forms, with -iṣya- and -sya- affixed to verb bases—e.g., dā-sya-ti ‘will give,’ kar-iṣya-ti ‘will do, make.’ In the current language Pāṇini describes, a future formation, originally composed of an agent noun of the type kar-tṛ- ‘doer’ followed, except in the third person, by forms of the verb as ‘be’ (e.g., kartāsmi [from kartā asmi] ‘I will do’), was used to refer to an action performed at a future time excluding the day on which one spoke. This formation occurs in early Vedic, but only rarely.
Early Vedic had a verb category that later went out of use: the injunctive, which was formally a form with secondary endings lacking the augment, a prefixed vowel—e.g., vadhīs instead of avadhīs ‘you slew’ (2nd sg. imperfect). The injunctive could be used to denote a general truth. A general truth could also be signified by the subjunctive, which is characterized by the vowel a affixed to the present, aorist, or perfect stem. Later Sanskrit retained the injunctive only in negative commands of the type mā vadhīs ‘do not slay.’ The subjunctive also diminished slowly until it was no longer used; for Pāṇini the subjunctive belonged to sacred literature. The functions of the subjunctive were taken over by the form called optative and the future form.
Noun forms incorporated into the verb system are numerous in early Indo-Aryan. Ṛgvedic has forms with affixes -ya and -tva functioning as future passive participles (gerundives)—e.g., vāc-ya- ‘to be said,’ kar-tva- ‘to be done.’ The Atharvaveda has, additionally, forms with -(i)tavya (parentheses indicate optional components of a form), as in hiṃs-itavya- ‘to be injured,’ and -anīya, as in upa-jīv-anīya- ‘to be subsisted upon.’ By late Vedic, the type with tva had been eliminated; Pāṇini recognized kārya-, kartavya-, karaṇīya- ‘to be done’ as the standard types.
In Indo-Aryan, from earliest Vedic down to New Indo-Aryan, particular forms—called absolutives (or gerunds) for Old and Middle Indo-Aryan—are used to denote the prior act of two or more actions performed (usually) by one agent: ‘having done…, he did…’—for example, pibā niṣadya ‘sit down (niṣadya ‘having sat down’) and drink.’ Ṛgvedic dialects use tvī, tvā, tvāya, -(t)ya to form absolutives, but these were later reduced to two: -tvā with a simple verb (e.g., kṛ-tvā ‘after doing, making’) or one compounded with the negative particle (e.g., akṛ-tvā ‘without doing, making’), and -ya with a verb compounded with a preverb (a preposition-like form), as in ni-ṣadya.
Early Indo-Aryan also used various case forms of action nouns in the capacity of what are generally called infinitives—e.g., dative singular -tave (dā-tave ‘to give’), and ablative-genitive singular -tos (dā-tos), both from a noun in -tu, which also supplies the accusative singular -tum (dā-tum). There are other types in early Vedic, but the nouns in -tu are particularly important; in late Vedic the accusative -tum and the genitive -tos (construed with īś ‘be able, capable’) became the norm. In the language Pāṇini describes, forms in -tum and dative singular forms of action nouns are equivalent variants: bhoktuṃ gacchati/ bhojanāya gacchati ‘he is going out to eat.’
That some forms fell into disuse in the course of Indo-Aryan is natural. The modifications noted above represent both chronological and dialectal modifications. Such change was recognized by Indian grammarians; e.g., Patañjali noted that perfect forms of the type ca-kr-a ‘you did’ (2nd person plural) were not in use at his time; instead, a nominal (participial adjective) form with a complex suffix-tavat was used—e.g., kṛ-tavant-as (nom. l. masc.). Indian grammarians also recognized the existence of different dialects. Pāṇini noted forms used by northerners (gen. pl. udīcām) and easterners (prācām), as well as various dialectal uses described by grammarians who preceded him.
Phonological modifications
Earlier documents also afford evidence for dialect variation in the realm of phonology; e.g., the early Vedic of the Ṛgveda is a dialect in which the Indo-European l sound was for the most part replaced by r—prā ‘fill,’ pūr-ṇa- ‘full.’ This change accords with Iranian—e.g., Avestan pərəna- ‘full.’ These forms contrast with Latin plenus and Gothic fulls, with l. Other dialects kept l and r distinct.
There are also doublets that have both r and l in words with Indo-European r: rohita-/lohita- ‘red.’ The variant with l can be assumed to belong to an eastern dialect. This variation accords with Middle Indo-Aryan evidence and the fact that such l forms become more numerous in the 10th book (maṇḍala) of the Ṛgveda, which is demonstrably more recent than the most ancient parts of the Ṛgveda, dating from a time when the Indo-Aryans had progressed farther east than their posited original location on the subcontinent. The development of retroflex ḷ- and ḷh- (sounds produced by curling the tip of the tongue upward toward the hard palate) from the retroflex sounds ḍ (nīḷa- ‘resting place, nest,’ īḷe ‘I praise, invoke,’ from nīḍa-, īḍe) and ḍh (mīḷha- ‘reward, prize,’ ūḷha- ‘transported,’ from mīḍha-, ūḍha-) when occurring between vowels is another feature characteristic of some dialects, including the major dialect of the Ṛgveda.
There is also evidence of dialectal differences in the accentual system of Old Indo-Aryan. In the earliest system attested a syllable has three basic tones: high (udātta), low (anudātta), and a combined tone (svarita) that starts high and drops to low. For example, the first and second syllables of agní- ‘fire, Agni’ are respectively low and high, and the syllable of svàr- ‘heaven, sun’ has a combination of these two pitches. Some svarita syllables result from historical changes that affected still earlier sequences with high and low pitches; e.g., nadyàs (nom. pl.) ‘rivers’ developed from earlier nadíyas.
Other tonal variations resulted from contextual modifications. Thus, a basic low-pitched syllable was pronounced at an extralow level if the following syllable was high-pitched or svarita. In addition, the first mora or first half of a svarita could be pronounced at a higher level than that of a basic high tone. But not all dialects raised the first part of a svarita syllable to such a level, and there were additional dialectal differences in just how a svarita was pronounced. Moreover, in some dialects the svarita was altogether eliminated, replaced by a simple high tone.
The accentual system in which only high and low tones contrasted, known traditionally as the bhāṣika system, is best represented in the Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa (“Vedic Exegesis of a Hundred Paths”). This development may plausibly be considered to represent an early step in the gradual elimination of pitch contrasts. The current language Pāṇini describes, however, still had a system of three basic pitch levels. According to one view prevalent in Western descriptions, Classical Sanskrit had a predictable accentual pattern: if the next to last syllable was heavy—that is, had a long vowel or a short vowel preceding a consonant cluster—it received the accent, while if not, the syllable preceding this one was accented.
Classical Sanskrit
Classical Sanskrit represents a development of one or more such early Old Indo-Aryan dialects. At this state, the archaisms noted above have been eliminated. For all this simplification, Classical Sanskrit is considerably more complex than Middle Indo-Aryan. In addition to the vowels a, i, and u (in both long and short varieties), it has ṛ and ḷ used as vowels. Clusters of dissimilar consonants occur freely, except in final word position, and the system of sound modification, called sandhi, is fully operative. Moreover, in its grammatical system Classical Sanskrit maintains the dual number, seven cases in addition to the vocative form (which marks the one addressed), and complex alternations. For example, the nominative singular form agni-s ‘fire,’ corresponds with the genitive singular agne-s ‘of fire,’ the nominative plural agnay-as ‘fires,’ and the instrumental plural agni-bhis ‘with, by means of fires,’ with differing vowels in the second syllable. There are also separate sets of nominal (noun) and pronominal (pronoun) endings. For example, the nominative plural of deva- ‘god’ is devās but the corresponding form of ta- ‘this, that’ is te. Similarly, the masculine singular dative, ablative, and locative and the genitive plural forms of deva- and ta- differ as follows: devāya, devāt, deve, and devānām as opposed to tasmai, tasmāt, tasmin, and teṣām. Some nominals have forms with pronominal endings—e.g., ekasmai, parasmai, dative singular masculine-neuter of eka- ‘one’ and para- ‘other.’
The verb system of Classical Sanskrit also maintains complex alternations. In the present tense of the type bhav-a-ti ‘becomes, is,’ the stem (bhav-a-) remains unchanged throughout the paradigm except for lengthening of the -a- to -ā- before v and m (1st dual bhavāvas ‘we two are,’ 1st plural bhavāmas ‘we are). But other verbs have vowel alternation—e.g., as-mi ‘I am,’ s-mas ‘we two are,’ s-mas ‘we are’; e-mi ‘I go,’ i-vas ‘we two go,’ i-mas ‘we go’; juho-mi ‘I offer an oblation,’ juhu-vas ‘we two offer an oblation,’ juhumas ‘we offer an oblation.’ A distinction is observed between active and mediopassive endings: as-mi ‘am,’ as-ti ‘is,’ jan-ay-a-ti ‘engenders’ with the active endings -mi and -ti, but ās-e ‘am seated,’ ās-te ‘is seated,’ jā-ya-te ‘is born,’ stū-ya-te ‘is praised,’ with the mediopassive endings -e and -te. Mediopassive verb forms are used for the passive, reflexive, and other meanings.
Classical Sanskrit also has a rich system of nominal and verbal derivatives. Compound words are of the following kinds: copulative (dvandva) compounds such as mātāpitarau ‘mother and father’ (also elliptic pitarau ‘parents’); the type such as rāja-puruṣa- ‘king’s servant,’ in which the first member is equivalent to a case form; the type nīlotpala- ‘blue (nīla-) lotus (utpala),’ in which the constituents are coreferential; the type bahu-vrīhi ‘much-rice,’ in which the object denoted is other than that of any of the members of the compound (bahur vrīhir yasya ‘he who has much rice’); and adverbial compounds (avyayībhāk̄a) of the type upāgni (upa-agni) ‘near the fire.’
In addition, there are derivatives with affixes that in the Sanskrit grammatical tradition are called taddhita and serve to form what Western grammarians call secondary derivatives. Examples include aupagava- ‘offspring of Upagu,’ bhrāṣṭra- ‘prepared in a frying pan,’ dādhika- ‘prepared in yogurt,’ and dantya- ‘dental.’ Also of this type are what in Western grammar are called comparatives and superlatives, formed with the suffixes -tara-, -īyas-, and -tama-, -iṣṭha-—for example, priya-tara- ‘very dear, dearer,’ gar-īyas- ‘very heavy, heavier,’ priya-tama- ‘most dear, dearest,’ and gar-iṣṭha- ‘most heavy, heaviest,’ from the adjectives priya- and guru-.
It is noteworthy that Old Indo-Aryan allowed such derivatives to be formed from elements other than adjectives, including finite verb forms—e.g., natarām ‘not…(for an additional reason),’ natamām ‘all the more not,’ jayatitarām ‘is exceedingly victorious.’ Pronouns have derivatives equivalent to case forms; e.g., tatas ‘from that, thence,’ yatas ‘from which, whence,’ kutas ‘from which, whence?’ and tatra ‘in that, there,’ yatra in which, where,’ and kutra ‘in which, where?’ are equivalent to locative forms such as tasmāt, yasmāt, kasmāt and tasmin, yasmin, kasmin. These can also be used without a noun.
The derivative verbal systems include the causative, the desiderative (‘desire to, wish to’), and the intensive (‘do repeatedly, intensely’). The first has an affix -i-/-ay- or, after certain roots (particularly those in -ā), -pi-/-pay-—e.g., gam-ay-a-ti ‘has go,’ kār-ay-a-ti ‘has do,’, sthā-pay-a-ti ‘sets in place,’ arp-ay-ati ‘causes to reach.’ The desiderative is formed with -sa- and reduplication (repetition of a part of the root): dī-dṛk-ṣa-te ‘desires to see’ (root dṛś). The desiderative also has an agent noun in -u: dī-dṛk-ṣ-u ‘who wishes to see.’ The intensive generally involves reduplication, with a suffix -ya- and medial inflection—e.g., pā-pac-ya-te ‘cooks repeatedly, cooks intently.’