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Judaism: Media



What and when is Passover?
Passover commemorates the biblical story of the Exodus.
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
What and when is Yom Kippur?
The Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur is the religion's holiest day of the year.
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
A look into the Hanukkah celebration
Overview of Hanukkah.
Video: Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz
History of ancient Jerusalem and its people
Learn about the history of Hanukkah.
Video: Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz
Understanding the story of Purim
Purim commemorates the survival of a Jewish community marked for death in ancient...
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
What happened to the Tower of Babel?
Learn about the monumental Tower of Babel in the ancient city of Babylon.
Video: Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz


Jerusalem: Western Wall, Temple Mount
The Western Wall, in the Old City of Jerusalem, all that remains of the retaining...
© AbleStock/Getty Images
Sacrifice of Isaac
The painting Sacrifice of Isaac (1713) by Italian artist Giambattista Pittoni...
© Renata Sedmakova/
Abraham Casting Out Hagar and Ishmael
Abraham Casting Out Hagar and Ishmael, oil on canvas by Guercino, 1657;...
SCALA/Art Resource, New York
Titian: Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, oil painting by Titian, c. 1550; in...
SCALA/Art Resource, New York
Moses and the Israelites
Moses leading the children of Israel through the Red Sea; illustration from a German...
Ann Ronan Pictures/Heritage Image/age fotostock
Rembrandt: Moses with the Tablets of the Law
Moses with the Tablets of the Law, oil painting by Rembrandt, 1659; in the...
Courtesy of Gemaldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz
Nicolas Poussin: Adoration of the Golden Calf
Adoration of the Golden Calf, oil on canvas by Nicolas Poussin, c. 1634....
Fine Art Images/Heritage Image/age fotostock
Donatello: David
David, bronze sculpture by Donatello, early 15th century; in the Bargello...
Elijah the prophet, mosaic, 12th–13th century; in the cathedral of Monreale, Sicily,...
© Ancient Art & Architecture Collection
Antiochus III
Antiochus III, coin, late 3rd–early 2nd century bce;...
Courtesy of the trustees of the British Museum; photograph, J.R. Freeman & Co. Ltd.
Roman soldiers carrying the menorah from the Temple of Jerusalem
Roman soldiers carrying the menorah from the Temple of Jerusalem in 70 ce;...
Alinari/Art Resource, New York
World distribution of Judaism
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Benedict de Spinoza
Dutch philosopher Benedict de Spinoza, painting by an anonymous artist; in the Herzog...
Hulton Fine Art Collection/Getty Images
Temple Emanu-El
Temple Emanu-El synagogue, New York City, 1896.
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
The Tower of Babel
The Tower of Babel, oil painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder, 1563; in...
Courtesy of the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Modern sofer with a Torah scroll.
Orthodox synagogue in Košice, Slovakia.
Marian Gladis
Capernaum synagogue
The synagogue at Capernaum, northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee, Israel, 3rd–2nd...
Lee Boltin
Torah crown
Torah crown, Poland, late 18th century; in the Jewish Museum, New York City.
Graphic House/Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
bar mitzvah
A young boy celebrating his bar mitzvah at the Western Wall, Jerusalem.
© RobertHoetink—iStock Editorial/Getty Images
ketubah, or marriage contract
Ketubah, or marriage contract, signed in Venice, 1711.
The Newberry Library, Gift of Edward E. Ayer, 1911 (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
Havdalah ceremony marking the end of the Sabbath with wine and candle; woodcut from...
Jewish Museum, New York City/Art Resource, New York
© Ewa Walicka/
Passover plate
Passover plate from Pesaro, Italy, 1614; in the Jewish Museum, New York City.
Graphic House/Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
seder plate
Seder plate for Passover.
© iStockphoto/Thinkstock
Sukkah (hut erected for the celebration of Sukkoth) with palm leaves, Herzliya, Israel,...
Shofar made of ram's horn in the form of a fish, Ethiopia, 19th century; in the Jewish...
Graphic House/Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Hanukkah lamp
Hanukkah lamp from Hermann Stadt, Hungary, 1775; in the Jewish Museum, New York City.
Graphic House/Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Esther scroll
Scroll of Esther from Lwów, Galicia (now Lviv, Ukraine), 1880; in the Jewish Museum,...
Graphic House/Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Hanukkah lamp
Hanukkah lamp, silver with enamel medallions, by Johann Adam Boller, early 18th century,...
Jewish Museum, New York City
Mezuzah on a doorpost in the Old City of Jerusalem.
© Mikhail Levit/
Dura-Europus, Syria: synagogue ruins
Ruins of a synagogue, Dura-Europus, Syria.
bird mosaic
Mosaic floor fragment from a synagogue or church, cut stone with mortar from Israel,...
Photograph by Katie Chao. The Jewish Museum, New York City, gift of Erwin Harvith, U 7529
Former synagogue, now a concert hall, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary.
Synagogue in Jabneh, Israel.
Synagogue on the banks of the Crişul Repede River at Oradea, Romania.
Marcin Szala
poster advertising the Thalia Theatre
Poster for the Thalia Theatre, on New York City's Lower East Side, 1897. Advertised...
Yozef Kroger, NY/Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (digital. id. cph 3b52232)
Philo Judaeus
Philo Judaeus.
From Les vrais pourtraits et vies des hommes illustres Grecs, Latins et Payens, Vol. 2, by André Thevet, 1584.
Averroës (Ibn Rushd)
Averroës (Ibn Rushd), statue in Córdoba, Spain.
© Ronald Sheridan/Ancient Art & Architecture Collection
Martin Buber
Martin Buber.
Courtesy of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, photo, courtesy of the Consulate General of Israel in New York
False messiah: Shabbetai Tzevi
Shabbetai Tzevi blessing a Jewish congregation at Smyrna, Ottoman Empire (now İzmir,...
grave of Baʿal Shem Ṭov
The covered burial place of Baʿal Shem Ṭov in Medzhybizh, Ukraine.
Eliyahu (Eli)
Abraham Isaac Kook
Abraham Isaac Kook, 1924.
National Photo Company Collection/Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (Digital File Number: LC-DIG-npcc-25595)
Peter Paul Rubens: The Judgment of Solomon
The Judgment of Solomon, oil on canvas by Peter Paul Rubens, c. 1617; in...
Statens Museum for Kunst (National Gallery of Denmark); (Public domain)
Samson killing Philistines
Standing dish depicting Samson crushing the Philistines with the jawbone of an ass,...
Photograph by Jenny O'Donnell. Taft Museum of Art, Cincinnati, Ohio, Taft collection 1931.299
Balaam with angel and donkey, copperplate engraving by William Marshall Craig.
Important sites and regions of biblical Judaism.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Important historical sites of Hellenistic and medieval Judaism.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Geographical distribution of the religions of the world in the early 1980s.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
reading from the Torah
A man wearing a tallis and a yarmulke and reading from the Torah at the Beth Yaacov...
© Pascal Deloche—Stone/Getty Images