Kuruc rising
Hungarian history
Also known as: Kurucok rising
Learn about this topic in these articles:
Kuruc song
- In Kuruc song
…the adventurous life of the Kurucs, Hungarian partisans who fought against the Habsburgs in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Largely anonymous, the poems give gripping descriptions of the Kurucs’ poverty and misery and also of their joys. Some recount the deeds of the great figures of the insurrection,…
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leadership of Rakoczi
- In Ferenc Rákóczi, II
…peasant revolt known as the Kuruc (or Kurucok) rising. He had considerable initial success, but the Anglo-Austrian victory at Blenheim in 1704 destroyed hopes of help from France and of eventual success, though fighting in Hungary continued until 1711.
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