Lectures on Aesthetics
work by Hegel
Also known as: “Vorlesungen über die Aesthetik”
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contribution to aesthetics
- In aesthetics: Relationship between form and content
…Hegel, who argued, in his Vorlesungen über die Aesthetik (1832; “Lectures on Aesthetics”; Eng. trans. Aesthetics: Lectures on Fine Art), roughly as follows: Our sensuous appreciation of art concentrates upon the given “appearance”—the “form.” It is this that holds our attention and that gives to the work of art its…
Read More - In aesthetics: Kant, Schiller, and Hegel
…in general and on his Vorlesungen über die Aesthetik in particular. In discussions of remarkable range and imaginative power, Hegel introduces the distinctively modern conception of art as a request for self-realization, an evolving discovery of forms that give sensuous embodiment to the spirit by articulating in concrete form its…
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