work by Süleyman Çelebi
Also known as: “Mevlûd-i-Peygamberi”
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In Süleyman Çelebi
…is the great religious poem Mevlûd-i Nebi, or Mevlûd-i Peygamberi (“Hymn on the Prophet’s Nativity,” Eng. trans., 1943, reprint, 1957).
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place in Islamic literature
- In Islamic arts: Religious poetry
is, Süleyman Çelebi’s (died 1419) Mevlûd, a quite short mas̄navī in honour of the Prophet Muhammad’s birth. This type of poetry has been known in the Islamic countries since at least the 12th century and was soon adopted wherever Islam spread. There are a great number of mevlûd written in…
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