Mir, Soviet/Russian modular space station, the core module (base block) of which was launched into Earth orbit by the U.S.S.R. in 1986. Over the next decade additional modules were sent aloft on separate launch vehicles and attached to the core unit, creating a large habitat that served as a versatile space laboratory for more than 14 years.
Mir (Russian: “Peace” or “World”) was the third generation of space stations developed by the Soviet Union. Its core module resembled its simpler predecessors in the Salyut series but had additional docking ports (a total of six) that accommodated not only a succession of crewed spacecraft and cargo ferries but also permanently attached expansion modules equipped for scientific research.
Mir’s core module was launched on February 20, 1986. It had the form of a stepped cylinder about 13 metres (43 feet) long and 4.2 metres (13.8 feet) in diameter at its widest point. The module had a docking port at each end and four ports sited radially at its forward end. On March 13, 1986, cosmonauts Leonid Kizim and Vladimir Solovyov were sent aloft aboard a Soyuz T spacecraft to rendezvous with Mir and become its first occupants. Between March 1987 and April 1996, five expansion modules were added to the core unit—Kvant 1 (1987), an astrophysics observatory; Kvant 2 (1989), containing supplementary life-support equipment and a large airlock; Kristall (1990), a materials-sciences laboratory; and Spektr (1995) and Priroda (1996), two science modules containing remote-sensing instruments for ecological and environmental studies of Earth. With the exception of its first occupants, Mir’s cosmonaut crews traveled between the station and Earth in upgraded Soyuz TM spacecraft, and supplies were transported by robotic Progress cargo ferries.

Mir supported human habitation from March 14, 1986, to June 15, 2000, which included an uninterrupted stretch of occupancy of almost 10 years. It hosted more than 100 people from 12 countries, including a series of U.S. astronauts in 1995–98 as part of a Mir–space shuttle cooperative endeavour. Between January 1994 and March 1995, Mir cosmonaut-physician Valery Polyakov set an endurance record of 438 continuous days in space, longer than the approximately nine months estimated for a crewed voyage to the planet Mars.
Designed for only a five-year life, the aging Mir suffered a series of equipment failures and accidents in 1996–97 but remained in service. On March 23, 2001, the abandoned Mir made a controlled reentry, with the surviving pieces falling into the Pacific Ocean. (See also Energia.)
A chronology of missions to Mir is shown in the table.
mission | country | crew | dates | notes | |
Soyuz T-15/Mir/Salyut 7 | U.S.S.R. | Leonid Kizim; Vladimir Solovyov | March 13–July 16, 1986 | first spaceflight between two space stations | |
Soyuz TM-2/Mir | U.S.S.R. | Aleksandr Laveykin; Yury Romanenko | Feb. 5–July 30, 1987 (Dec. 29 [Romanenko]) | new space endurance record (Romanenko; 326 days 12 hours); addition of Kvant 1 module to Mir | |
Soyuz TM-3/Mir | U.S.S.R. | Aleksandr Viktorenko; Aleksandr Pavlovich Aleksandrov; Muhammed Faris | July 22–30, 1987 (Dec. 29 [Aleksandrov]) | first Syrian astronaut (Faris) | |
Soyuz TM-4/Mir | U.S.S.R. | Vladimir Titov; Musa Manarov; Anatoly Levchenko | Dec. 21, 1987–Dec. 21, 1988 (Dec. 29, 1987 [Levchenko]) | new space endurance record (Titov and Manarov; 365 days 23 hours) | |
Soyuz TM-5/Mir | U.S.S.R. | Anatoly Solovyov; Viktor Savinkyh; Aleksandr Panayatov Aleksandrov | June 7–17, 1988 | second Bulgarian astronaut (Aleksandrov) | |
Soyuz TM-6/Mir | U.S.S.R. | Vladimir Lyakhov; Valery Polyakov; Abdul Ahad Mohmand | Aug. 29–Sept. 7, 1988 (April 4, 1989 [Polyakov]) | first Afghan astronaut (Mohmand) | |
Soyuz TM-7/Mir | U.S.S.R. | Aleksandr Volkov; Sergey Krikalyov; Jean-Loup Chrétien | Nov. 26, 1988–April 27, 1989 (Dec. 21, 1988 [Chrétien]) | Mir was left unoccupied after crew returned to Earth | |
Soyuz TM-8/Mir | U.S.S.R. | Aleksandr Viktorenko; Aleksandr Serebrov | Sept. 5, 1989–Feb. 19, 1990 | addition of Kvant 2 module to Mir | |
Soyuz TM-9/Mir | U.S.S.R. | Anatoly Solovyov; Aleksandr Balandin | Feb. 11–Aug. 9, 1990 | addition of Kristall module to Mir | |
Soyuz TM-10/Mir | U.S.S.R. | Gennady Manakov; Gennady Strekalov | Aug. 1–Dec. 10, 1990 | crew performed spacewalk to fix damaged hatch on Kvant 2 | |
Soyuz TM-11/Mir | U.S.S.R. | Viktor Afanasiyev; Musa Manarov; Akiyama Toyohiro | Dec. 2, 1990–May 26, 1991 (Dec. 10, 1990 [Akiyama]) | first Japanese citizen in space (Akiyama) | |
Soyuz TM-12/Mir | U.S.S.R. | Anatoly Artsebarsky; Sergey Krikalyov; Helen Sharman | May 18, 1991–Oct. 10, 1991 (March 25, 1992 [Krikalyov]; May 26, 1991 [Sharman]) | first British astronaut (Sharman) | |
Soyuz TM-13/Mir | U.S.S.R. | Aleksandr Volkov; Toktar Aubakirov; Franz Viehböck | Oct. 2, 1991–March 25, 1992 (Oct. 10, 1991 [Aubakirov; Viehböck] | first Austrian astronaut (Viehböck) | |
Soyuz TM-14/Mir | Russia | Aleksandr Viktorenko; Aleksandr Kalery; Klaus-Dietrich Flade | March 17–Aug. 10, 1992 (March 25 [Flade]) | first Russian spaceflight after breakup of the U.S.S.R. | |
Soyuz TM-15/Mir | Russia | Anatoly Solovyov; Sergey Avdeyev; Michel Tognini | July 27, 1992–Feb. 1, 1993 (Aug. 10, 1992 [Tognini]) | crew performed spacewalks to extend lifetime of Mir | |
Soyuz TM-16/Mir | Russia | Gennady Manakov; Aleksandr Poleshchuk | Jan. 24–July 22, 1993 | placed docking target on Mir for use by space shuttle Atlantis | |
Soyuz TM-17/Mir | Russia | Vasily Tsibliyev; Aleksandr Serebrov; Jean-Pierre Haigneré | July 1, 1993–Jan. 14, 1994 (July 22, 1993 [Haigneré]) | slight collision with Mir | |
Soyuz TM-18/Mir | Russia | Viktor Afanasiyev; Yury Usachyov; Valery Polyakov | Jan. 8–July 9, 1994 (March 22, 1995 [Polyakov]) | new space endurance record (Polyakov; 437 days 18 hours) | |
Soyuz TM-19/Mir | Russia | Yury Malenchenko; Talgat Musabayev | July 1–Nov. 4, 1994 | Malenchenko performed first manual docking of Progress resupply ship | |
Soyuz TM-20/Mir | Russia | Aleksandr Viktorenko; Elena Kondakova; Ulf Merbold | Oct. 4, 1994–March 22, 1995 (Nov. 4, 1994 [Merbold]) | first woman to make a long-duration spaceflight (Kondakova) | |
STS-63 (Discovery) | U.S. | James Wetherbee; Eileen Collins; Bernard Harris; Michael Foale; Janice Voss; Vladimir Titov | Feb. 3–11, 1995 | demonstrated shuttle orbiter's ability to approach and maneuver around Mir | |
Soyuz TM-21/Mir | Russia | Vladimir Dezhurov; Gennady Strekalov; Norman Thagard | March 14–July 7, 1995 | first American to fly on Russian spacecraft (Thagard); addition of Spektr module to Mir | |
STS-71 (Atlantis)/Mir | U.S. | Robert Gibson; Charles Precourt; Ellen Baker; Gregory Harbaugh; Bonnie Dunbar; Anatoly Solovyov; Nikolay Budarin | June 27–July 7, 1995 (Sept. 11, 1995 [Solovyov, Budarin]) | first space shuttle visit to Mir | |
Soyuz TM-22/Mir | Russia | Yury Gidzenko; Sergei Avdeyev; Thomas Reiter | Sept. 3, 1995–Feb. 29, 1996 | first German to walk in space (Reiter) | |
STS-74 (Atlantis)/Mir | U.S. | Kenneth Cameron; James Halsell; Chris Hadfield; Jerry Ross; William McArthur | Nov. 12–20, 1995 | attached docking module to Mir | |
Soyuz TM-23/Mir | Russia | Yury Onufriyenko; Yury Usachyov | Feb. 21–Sept. 2, 1996 | addition of Priroda module to Mir | |
STS-76 (Atlantis)/Mir | U.S. | Kevin Chilton; Richard Searfoss; Ronald Sega; Michael Clifford; Linda Godwin; Shannon Lucid | March 22–31, 1996 (Sept. 26 [Lucid]) | delivered supplies to Mir | |
Soyuz TM-24/Mir | Russia | Valery Korzun; Aleksandr Kaleri; Claudie André-Deshays | Aug. 17, 1996–March 2, 1997 (Sept. 2, 1996 [André-Deshays]) | first French woman in space (André-Deshays) | |
STS-79 (Atlantis)/Mir | U.S. | William Readdy; Terrence Wilcutt; Jerome Apt; Thomas Akers; Carl Walz; John Blaha | Sept. 16–26, 1996 (Jan. 22, 1997 [Blaha]) | conducted experiments in Spacelab Double Module | |
STS-81 (Atlantis)/Mir | U.S. | Michael Baker; Brent Jett; Peter Wisoff; John Grunsfeld; Marsha Ivins; Jerry Linenger | Jan. 12–22, 1997 (May 24, 1997 [Linenger]) | returned with first plants to complete a full life cycle in space | |
Soyuz TM-25/Mir | Russia | Vasily Tsibliyev; Aleksandr Lazutkin; Reinhold Ewald | Feb. 10–Aug. 14, 1997 (March 2 [Ewald]) | fire seriously damaged Mir's oxygen generation system (Feb. 23); collision with Progress punctured Spektr module (June 25) | |
STS-84 (Atlantis)/Mir | U.S. | Charles Precourt; Eileen Collins; Jean-François Clervoy; Carlos Noriega; Edward Lu; Yelena Kondakova; Michael Foale | May 15–24, 1997 (Oct. 6 [Foale]) | carried Biorack research facility, which conducted microgravity experiments | |
Soyuz TM-26/Mir | Russia | Anatoly Solovyov; Pavel Vinogradov | Aug. 5, 1997–Feb. 19, 1998 | Mir's oxygen generation system repaired | |
STS-86 (Atlantis)/Mir | U.S. | James Wetherbee; Michael Bloomfield; Vladimir Titov; Scott Parazynski; Jean-Loup Chrétien; Wendy Lawrence; David Wolf | Sept. 25–Oct. 6, 1997 (Jan. 31, 1998 [Wolf]) | carried Spacehab module, which included replacement computer for Mir | |
STS-89 (Endeavour)/Mir | U.S. | Terrence Wilcutt; Joe Edwards; James Reilly; Michael Anderson; Bonnie Dunbar; Salizhan Sharipov; Andrew Thomas | Jan. 22–31, 1998 (June 12 [Thomas]) | carried experiments in protein crystal growth | |
Soyuz TM-27/Mir | Russia | Talgat Musabayev; Nikolay Budarin; Leopold Eyharts | Jan. 29–Aug. 25, 1998 (Feb. 19 [Eyharts]) | unsuccessful attempt to repair Spektr solar panel | |
STS-91 (Discovery)/Mir | U.S. | Charles Precourt; Dominic Gorie; Franklin Chang-Díaz; Wendy Lawrence; Janet Kavandi; Valery Ryumin | June 2–12, 1998 | final space shuttle mission to Mir | |
Soyuz TM-28/Mir | Russia | Gennady Padalka; Sergey Avdeyev; Yury Baturin | Aug. 13, 1998–Feb. 28, 1999 (Aug. 28, 1999 [Avdeyev]; Aug. 25, 1998 [Baturin]) | first Russian politician in space (Baturin) | |
Soyuz TM-29/Mir | Russia | Viktor Afanasiyev; Jean-Pierre Haigneré; Ivan Bella | Feb. 20–Aug. 28, 1999 (Feb. 28 [Bella]) | first Slovak astronaut (Bella) | |
Soyuz TM-30/Mir | Russia | Sergey Zalyotin; Aleksandr Kaleri | April 4–June 16, 2000 | last occupants of Mir |