Nightline, American late-night television news program that officially debuted on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) network in 1980 and that began airing five nights per week in 1982. For many years it was among the highest-profile and most-influential television forums for discussion of the day’s events.
Regarded as a broadcast news pioneer, Nightline specialized in investigative journalism, in-depth and extended coverage of current events, and interviews with significant public figures. The program evolved from a 1979 nightly news special called The Iran Crisis: America Held Hostage, which became America’s leading source for continued coverage of the Iran hostage crisis. Hosted by Ted Koppel, the show had strong viewership ratings in its time slot and carved out a unique late-night niche for hard news. In 1980 it was given a permanent half-hour time slot and renamed Nightline.
During Koppel’s tenure, Nightline dedicated most episodes to a single topic. The subject of one episode could vary widely from the next, but typical fare included politics, economics, science, and breaking news. Year after year, Nightline delivered high-quality news coverage, including poignant and exclusive interviews with individuals such as former chief justice Warren Burger and onetime Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat. The program and its staff earned major honours in broadcast journalism, among them several Peabody Awards (including a lifetime achievement award in 2002) and dozens of Emmy Awards.

For 25 years Nightline was nearly synonymous with Koppel, one of America’s most-eminent broadcast journalists, who anchored the show from 1980 to 2005. After Koppel’s retirement, the show was anchored, in rotation, by Cynthia McFadden, Terry Moran, and Martin Bashir. Bashir was replaced by Bill Weir in 2010. The revamped program also typically covered multiple topics in a single episode. Originally scheduled to follow local late-night news broadcasts, Nightline was pushed to a later time slot by ABC in 2013. The show also underwent various anchor changes.