Njáls saga
- Also called:
- Njála, or Burnt Njáll
Njáls saga, one of the longest and generally considered the finest of the 13th-century Icelanders’ sagas. It presents the most comprehensive picture of Icelandic life in the heroic age and has a wide range of complex characters. The work has two heroes—Gunnar (Gunther) and Njáll. Gunnar is a brave, guileless, generous youth like Sigurd (Siegfried) of the heroic legends; Njáll is a wise and prudent man endowed with prophetic gifts. Both are men of peace, but in a society in which the ties of blood impose inescapable obligations and the memories of past injuries may always be rekindled, neither Gunnar’s goodwill nor Njáll’s wisdom can save them from their fate.
Gunnar meets death at the hands of his enemies when his wife, the beautiful but capricious Hallgerd, in retaliation for a blow he once gave her in anger, refuses him a strand of her hair to string his bow.
Njáll is drawn into a feud through the headstrong actions of his sons. He accepts the consequences stoically in a powerful scene in which he and his family are burned to death in their home by a reluctant “enemy,” whose honour demands this vengeance. A third part of the saga deals with the vengeance of Njáll by his son-in-law Kári, the sole survivor of the family.

The characters of the Njáls saga are vividly drawn and range from comic to sinister. The high tide of Icelandic life is revealed in the meetings of the heroes at the Althing (Parliament) in times of peace and good fortune; but the high price for their unique style of life is always threatening in the background, and the overriding mood is one of tragic pessimism. The best English translation is by M. Magnusson and H. Pálsson, published in 1960.