North Tarim fragment
Learn about this topic in these articles:
chronological summary
- In Asia: Chronological summary
The North Tarim fragment is really a thin sliver caught up in younger orogenic belts. Its Precambrian history is not entirely dissimilar to that of the Yangtze paraplatform, although not all major breaks in their sedimentary and structural evolution or the details in their sedimentary successions…
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tectonic framework of Asia
- In Asia: Tectonic framework
… (in Southeast Asia), and the North Tarim fragment (also called Serindia; in western China). The orogenic zones consist of large tectonic collages that were accreted around the continental nuclei. Recognized zones are the Altaids, the Tethysides (further subdivided into the Cimmerides and the Alpides), and the circum-Pacific belt. The Alpides…
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