Cultural continuity and change
- Key People:
- James Logan
When Europeans arrived on the North American continent, they brought manufactured goods that the Indians welcomed and new diseases that they did not. Certain of these diseases proved particularly devastating to Native Americans because they did not have the immunity that the colonial populations had developed through centuries of exposure. For example, the first epidemic recorded in New England took place in 1616–17; while the very early date of this pestilence makes it difficult to determine exactly what disease was involved, most historical epidemiologists and demographers believe it was probably smallpox. As no census figures for Native Americans are available for this period, the number of individuals who perished is similarly difficult to discern. Historically, however, the mortality rates for populations experiencing smallpox for the first time have ranged from 20 to 90 percent. The mortality rates appear to have been quite high in this case, as the Puritans who landed at Plymouth in 1620 remarked upon the large number of abandoned villages near their settlement. They interpreted this obvious and recent depopulation of the region as a sign of divine favour—believing that God had used the epidemic to rid the area of indigenous nonbelievers who would have hindered Puritan expansion.
The extensive trade that developed between Northeastern peoples and the French, English, and Dutch who colonized the region rested on mutual desire. The Europeans desired furs, especially beaver fur, as the undercoat of a beaver pelt could be processed into a strong felt that was used in making hats. The Northeastern peoples desired objects such as guns, brass pots and kettles, metal needles and fishhooks, glass beads, and cloth.
The colonizers soon discovered the value of wampum and established workshops to mass-produce the material on Long Island and in present-day New Jersey. Wampum was used symbolically as blood money, for jewelry and gifts, and as a mnemonic for significant occasions. Important messages, for instance, were accompanied by strings of wampum that had been fashioned using colours or designs that referred symbolically to the communication’s content; the making of treaties likewise involved the exchange of wampum belts to confirm the sincerity of the parties and to symbolically record the agreement. Belts or strings of wampum were also used on other political and religious occasions and kept as reminders of those events. Because it was valuable, wampum became a medium of exchange not only between Indians and traders but also among the colonists. Because the coinage in common use in the colonies was already diverse, including Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Dutch coins as well as English ones, the adoption of wampum as another medium of exchange was an easy matter. Wampum, however, was not used as money before European contact.
The initial European settlement clung to the Atlantic coast—the sea provided the lifeline to the European homeland that the colonists needed—and thus coastal groups were first affected by the newcomers’ desire for land. They were ill equipped to counter the invasion. Not only were their numbers relatively small (and made even smaller by the epidemics), but their political organization was not of the kind that easily led to unified action of numbers of men. Friction with the colonists did occasionally erupt, however, as in the Pequot War (1637) and King Philip’s War (1675–76). Such resistance could not be maintained for long, however, and indigenous peoples began to adopt European ways as a means of survival. This often involved the acceptance and practice of Christianity; some missionaries were especially influential. John Eliot, for example, accomplished the monumental task of translating the Bible into Algonquian, publishing the translation in two volumes that appeared in 1661 and 1663.
The Iroquoians fared somewhat better than the coastal Algonquians. In the 17th and 18th centuries, their inland location protected them from European settlement, although part of their eastern territory was colonized. In addition, European traders wished to retain the Iroquoians’ services as middlemen who would take the risks associated with transporting manufactured goods and furs over long distances. The Iroquoians understood their positional advantage and engaged in both war and diplomacy to maintain their grip on the region. Their power was finally broken during the American Revolution, when George Washington, aware of the alliance of a number of Iroquoian tribes with the British, sent a punitive expedition into what is now upstate New York. After the Revolution, many of these peoples moved to Canada; others remained in New York state, and some (predominantly Oneida) moved to present-day Wisconsin.

Like native peoples farther east, those of the upper Great Lakes area were greatly affected by the fur trade. The French established a series of trading posts there, and the English challenged them for control of the area. Indians from the east, such as the Delaware, Ottawa, and Shawnee, drifted into the area seeking furs and land. The result was a series of wars and skirmishes involving various combinations of the tribes, the English, and the French. In the 18th and 19th centuries, several prophets attempted to revitalize indigenous culture, and a series of chiefs worked to unite various tribes for the purposes of war. Notable among these were Pontiac (Ottawa), Little Turtle (Miami), Tecumseh and his half-brother The Prophet (Shawnee), Keokuk (Sauk), and Black Hawk (Sauk).
Eventually the tribes entered into treaty relations with the governments of the United States or Canada, although the terms of these agreements were generally quite unfavourable to the tribes. Despite heroic efforts to protect their homelands, all of the Northeastern peoples that survived the early colonial period had been either moved to far-flung reservations or disenfranchised of their land by the end of the 19th century.
Despite having been removed to reservations distant from their original homes—or, conversely, being forced to partition communally owned tribal land into private holdings in order to retain title thereof (thus losing tribal status)—many of the Northeastern tribes persisted in having active tribal governments and councils and in engaging in a variety of traditional cultural activities. These actions were important as the tribes dealt with a variety of governmental policies during the 20th century, including urban relocation programs and termination, a policy that removed federal recognition from tribes. They were also crucial in the creation of a variety of tribal development projects that include timber mills, manufacturing centres, and casinos (see Native American gaming). By the late 20th and early 21st centuries, many groups that had lost tribal status had successfully petitioned the U.S. government to reinstitute their sovereignty; for instance, the Menominee of Wisconsin represented one of the first tribes to be reinstated (1973) after termination, while the Mashpee Wampanoag of Massachusetts, long declared “extinct,” were granted federal acknowledgement of tribal status in 2007. See also Native American: History; Native American: Developments in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Elisabeth Tooker Elizabeth Prine Pauls