On Broadway
song by Leiber and Stoller
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discussed in biography
- In Leiber and Stoller
…“Stand by Me” and “On Broadway,” were especially influential. In 1964 they established their own label, Red Bird, on which the Shangri-Las recorded. They went on to write for films and theatre; among their last hits, in 1969, was the world-weary “Is That All There Is?” (by Peggy Lee).…
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performance by the Drifters
- In the Drifters
…the Roof” (1962) and “On Broadway” (1963), while Moore took the lead on “Under the Boardwalk” (1964). Although the group’s popularity waned in the mid-1960s, a changing membership carried the Drifters’ gospel-tinged sound into the early 21st century. The Drifters were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of…
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