On the Road
On the Road, novel by Jack Kerouac, written over the course of three weeks in 1951 and published in 1957.
SUMMARY: The free-form book describes a series of frenetic trips across the United States by a number of penniless young people who are in love with life, beauty, jazz, sex, drugs, speed, and mysticism and who have absolute contempt for alarm clocks, timetables, road maps, mortgages, pensions, and all traditional American rewards for industry. The book was one of the first novels associated with the Beat movement of the 1950s.
DETAIL: Jack Kerouac’s On the Road has become a classic text in American literary counterculture. Set in the aftermath of the Second World War, Sal Paradise’s account of his travels across America has become emblematic of the struggle to retain the freedom of the American dream in a more sober historical moment. Paradise’s journey with the free and reckless Dean Moriarty (based on fellow Beat adventurer Neal Cassady) from the East to the West Coast of America is a celebration of the abundance, vitality, and spirit of American youth. The pair’s rejection of domestic and economic conformity in favor of a search for free and inclusive communities and for heightened individual experiences were key constituents of the emerging Beat culture, of which Kerouac—along with literary figures such as Allen Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs—was to soon to become a charismatic representative.

Reputedly written by Kerouac in a three-week burst of Benzedrine and caffeine-fueled creativity, which Kerouac called “spontaneous prose,” on a single 120-foot-long scroll of paper, the production of this loosely autobiographical novel became a legend of the sort that occurred within it. In fact, the book was written over a period of years, so that what appeared to be spontaneous was thoroughly rehearsed and revised, even if the famed scroll is also less fictionalized than the final version, with, for example, Dean being called Neal. Yet the novel also holds within it an acknowledgement of the limitations of its vision, and Dean’s gradual decline slowly reveals him to be something of an absurd and unlikely hero for Sal to follow into maturity. The book was not widely admired critically when it first appeared—Truman Capote famously dismissed it, saying, “That’s not writing, it’s typing”—but it has become a classic of midcentury American literature and one of the canonical texts of the Beat movement and later hippie counterculture.