Quattuor Americi navigationes
work by Vespucci
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discussed in biography
- In Amerigo Vespucci: Vespucci’s voyages
…under the titles of “Quattuor Americi navigationes” and “Mundus Novus,” or “Epistola Alberici de Novo Mundo.” The second series consists of three private letters addressed to the Medici. In the first series of documents, four voyages by Vespucci are mentioned; in the second, only two. Until the 1930s the…
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naming of America
- In Americas
…1504, used the term “Mundus Novus” (“New World”) in referring to South America. The letter circulated from hand to hand, and a copy reached the German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller, who was apparently unaware of Columbus’s voyage of 1498, during which he had discovered the continent of South America. Waldseemüller…
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