- Arabic:
- “Recitation”
- Also spelled:
- Quran and Koran
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Many early sūrahs are devoted to the notion of a universal resurrection and “Day of Judgment” (yawm al-dīn). A number of passages at least clearly imply that the judgment will occur very soon (e.g., 70:6–7), although others are more noncommittal (e.g., 72:25). The judgment will be preceded by a thorough disintegration of the cosmos, as depicted, for instance, in Qurʾān 81:1–14. It is frequently emphasized that God’s verdict will be based exclusively on individual merit and demerit and that the Day of Judgment will be “a day at which no soul will be able to do anything for another soul” (82:19). Disbelief in the judgment is assumed to be concomitant with a propensity to exploit and mistreat the weaker members of society, such as orphans and the poor, whose protection the Qurʾān urges (e.g., 107:1–3).
The announcement of an eschatological resurrection of the dead seems to have occasioned doubts and objections among the Qurʾān’s original audience. Many Qurʾānic passages therefore rehearse various aspects of the natural order that God has created, thereby demonstrating his grace toward humankind and his power to recreate all deceased humans at the end of the world (e.g., 75:37–40 or 78:6–16). God’s ability and willingness to enact just punishment is also supported by accounts of his destruction of past peoples (e.g., 89:6–14). At the same time, the Qurʾān assures believers of God’s steadfast assistance to the pious and their entitlement to paradisiacal reward. Narratives about past messengers, such as Noah, Abraham, and Moses, not only illustrate the obliteration of the wicked and impious but also demonstrate that God does not abandon his “chosen servants” in the face of adversity (e.g., 37:74, 81, 111). Thus, the Qurʾānic understanding of God combines the attributes of omnipotence and punitive justice, requiring a human attitude of fearful wariness (taqwā), with an emphasis on God’s creative solicitude for humankind, his compassion, his forgiveness, and his loving affection for the pious (e.g., 7:151–154, 19:96, or 85:14).
A second core doctrine of the Qurʾān, which makes a slightly later appearance than the notion of eschatological judgment, is the denial that there are any other divine beings apart from the one divine creator and judge, Allāh (“the Deity” in Qurʾānic Arabic; e.g., 51:51 and 73:9). By contrast, Muhammad’s opponents are cited as professing additional belief in a plurality of “gods” (e.g., 25:42), who appear to occupy a subordinate and intermediate status and to function as intercessors, obviating exclusive reliance on Allāh. Like the Qurʾānic announcement of an eschatological resurrection, the clash between its uncompromising monotheism, on the one hand, and the willingness of many of its addressees to countenance a more extended pantheon, on the other, triggers polemical exchanges in which Muhammad’s opponents are charged with the sin of “associationism”—i.e., of illicitly relying on other beings and associating them with God.
The sūrahs that are customarily dated to Muhammad’s Medinan period exhibit not only changes in literary format but also new doctrinal developments. Most conspicuous is a novel focus on detailed legal regulations (briefly discussed above) and the expectation that believers are sufficiently committed to engage in militant “striving” on behalf of God (an expectation also espoused by strands of late antique Christianity). The enemies to be striven against are mostly the “unbelievers” and “associators” against whom the earlier Meccan sūrahs polemicize so extensively and who are now accused of having expelled Muhammad and his adherents from their midst and of denying them access to “the inviolable place of prostration,” generally identified with the Meccan Kaʿbah sanctuary (e.g., 2:191, 8:30–34). The presentation of Muhammad also undergoes some noticeable changes across the Qurʾān. Whereas early proclamations describe him primarily as a “warner” whom God has sent to admonish his compatriots (e.g., 32:3) and who has no responsibility beyond the “clear delivery” of God’s message (e.g., 11:57), Medinan sūrahs command believers to obey Muhammad and charge him with passing judgment among them (e.g., 4:59–70). One passage even declares Muhammad to be an “exemplar” for the believers (33:21). Thus, the central importance that imitation of the Prophet plays in traditional Islamic piety has its point of origin already in the Qurʾān. A third distinctive trait of the Medinan sūrahs is an explicit critique of Jewish and Christian beliefs and practices. For instance, Christianity’s signature belief in the divinity of Jesus as the son of God is singled out as an egregious case of associationism (e.g., 5:17, 72–77, 116–118).