September Convention
Italy [1864]
Also known as: Convention of 1864
Learn about this topic in these articles:
history of Italy
- In Italy: Condition of the Italian kingdom
…Minghetti, another moderate, negotiated the September Convention, a compromise that required French troops to withdraw from Rome in exchange for an Italian pledge to respect the pope’s temporal sovereignty and to remain out of Rome. A secret clause in the agreement also bound Italy to transfer its capital from Turin…
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role of Marchese Visconti-Venosta
- In Emilio, marquis Visconti-Venosta
…his part in concluding the Convention of 1864 (in which France agreed to withdraw its troops from Rome in return for moving the Italian capital from Turin to Florence), he briefly became ambassador to Turkey before returning to the Foreign Ministry for the Six Weeks’ War of 1866—a portfolio he…
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