Shining Path
- Spanish:
- Sendero Luminoso
- Date:
- 1970 - c. 1999
- Areas Of Involvement:
- guerrilla warfare
- communism
- terrorism
- Maoism
- Related People:
- Abimael Guzmán
- On the Web:
- Al Jazeera - The Shining Path controversies that spurred Peru’s gov’t shake-up (Feb. 01, 2025)
Shining Path, Peruvian revolutionary organization that endorsed Maoism and employed guerrilla tactics and violent terrorism.
The Shining Path was founded in 1970 in a multiple split in the Communist Party of Peru. It took its name from the maxim of the founder of Peru’s first communist party, José Carlos Mariátegui: “El Marxismo-Leninismo abrirá el sendero luminoso hacia la revolución” (“Marxism-Leninism will open the shining path to revolution”). The leader and principal founder was Abimael Guzmán, alias Comrade Gonzalo, a long-time communist and former philosophy teacher (1962–78) at the National University of San Cristóbal de Huamanga, in the city of Ayacucho in the high Andes Mountains. He and his followers, known as Senderistas, sought to restore the “pure” ideology of Mao Zedong and adopted China’s Cultural Revolution as a model for their own revolutionary movement. The organization’s other models were Stalinist Russia and the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia. Envisioning revolution as a long military offensive, the Shining Path relied primarily on the peasantry and made ruthless use of terror and violence.
With a following of young intellectuals he gathered in Ayacucho in the 1960s, Guzmán spent the next decade recruiting armed supporters among the indigenous peoples in the countryside and the poorer urban districts. The Shining Path began its revolutionary campaign in remote areas of the Andes (the group’s first act of violence occurred on May 17, 1980, near Ayacucho) and soon was engaged in bombings and assassinations and other terrorist acts in various urban centres, including Lima and Callao. It gained control of poor rural and urban districts in central and southern Peru by violence and intimidation, while attracting sympathizers and supporters through its tight discipline, its organizing ability, and its emphasis on empowering the native population at the expense of Peru’s traditional Spanish-speaking elite. It reportedly established cocaine-processing plants in the Huallaga valley to fund its activities.
Guzmán, whose organizational and tactical abilities underlay the Shining Path’s success, was captured in a police raid in Lima on September 12, 1992, and in October he was sentenced to life imprisonment on terrorism charges. Despite his conviction, the organization continued to clash with the government throughout the 1990s. In July 1999 its new leader, Oscar Ramirez Durand (alias Comrade Feliciano), was captured and, like Guzmán, sentenced to life imprisonment. In 2003 Peru’s Truth and Reconciliation Committee issued a report stating that 37,800 of the estimated 70,000 deaths in Peru’s 20-year insurgency conflict were caused by Shining Path guerrillas led by Guzmán. The Shining Path’s terrorist activities also seriously disrupted the country’s economy.