- Also called:
- Slavonic languages
Common features
A number of features set off Slavic from other Indo-European subgroups. The Slavic languages are an unusually numerous yet close-knit subgroup. On the whole, Slavic auxiliary words tend to be unstressed and to be incorporated into a single phonetic group or phrase with an autonomous stressed word. Inflection (i.e., the use of endings, prefixes, and vowel alternations) has persisted as the main method of differentiating grammatical meanings, although to a lesser degree in nouns than in verbs because many functions of the noun case endings may also be expressed by prepositions. Endings are largely fusional (e.g., -te means simultaneously ‘second person’ and ‘plural’). Slavic more than other languages shows verb aspect overtly. The movable stress pattern common to most South and East Slavic languages has profoundly influenced their versification.
Many linguistic devices found both in the oral tradition and in literary works of the different Slavic languages may be traced to common ancestral forms. An exuberant use of diminutives and metaphoric figures marks the Slavic oral tradition. It seems possible to reconstruct a common Proto-Slavic model of the universe as seen through language. The main feature of such a model is recurring binary (two-way) contrasts, as is evidenced by such key words as bogŭ ‘god’ from ‘a portion allotted by the gods’ and ne-bogŭ ‘not having its portion, having bad fortune.’ Such pairing of opposites recalls the ancient Iranian dualistic view of the world, a view that evidently influenced the Slavs to a degree not yet fully appreciated.
As compared with the common Indo-European scheme, the pre-Slavic cultural vocabulary seems somewhat simpler, evidently as a result of the loss of direct contact with the Southern civilizations that served as a pattern for pre-Indo-European culture. Later developments were caused largely by western European and Greek (particularly Byzantine Christian) influences and by contact with Asian and Middle Eastern cultures, which led to innovations in the vocabularies of the East Slavic and South Slavic languages. In some instances, whole series of terms for objects were borrowed into Russian and other East Slavic languages from eastern sources.
All Slavic languages are synthetic, expressing grammatical meaning through the use of affixes (suffixes and, in verbal forms, also prefixes), vowel alternations partly inherited from Indo-European, and consonant alternations resulting from linguistic processes peculiar to Slavic alone. Although analytical methods of expressing grammatical meanings (through prepositions and other “empty” grammatical words) are present in older strata of the language, they are used to the exclusion of all other means only in the case system of Modern Bulgarian and Macedonian. The tendency toward analytic expression is noticeable in everyday Russian speech, but the drift of the Slavic languages in that direction (as in the development of the western European languages) has been held back by the stabilization of the language resulting from mass communication and education.
Phonological characteristics
The systems of sounds in Slavic languages are rich in consonants, particularly in spirants (fricatives, like English s, z, sh) and affricates. That is especially true in comparison with the protolanguage and with other Indo-European languages. The affricates (which are consonant sounds like English ch, ts, begun as stops, with complete stoppage of the breath stream, and released as fricatives, with incomplete stoppage) have resulted historically from a succession of different processes of palatalization that have occurred in Slavic and are one of the most-characteristic features of Slavic phonology.
Palatalization is the process whereby the pronunciation of an originally nonpalatal sound is changed to a palatal sound by touching the hard palate with the tongue; it is also the process whereby a nonpalatal sound is modified by simultaneously moving the tongue up to or toward the hard palate. Originally, palatalization was connected with the adaptation of a consonant to the following vowel within a syllable, specifically with the adaptation of a consonant to a following front vowel. That adaptation gave rise to “soft” (palatalized) syllables, composed of palatalized consonants followed by front vowels. The j sound, as y in English year (from older nonsyllabic Indo-European i), tended to palatalize the preceding consonant either by merging with it or by giving rise to consonant groups such as b from bj (by). As palatalized stop consonants (for instance k’, g’, t’, d’) became increasingly differentiated from the corresponding nonpalatalized series (k, g, t, d), the palatalized stops tended to develop further into affricates (with the subsequent development of voiced affricates into spirants). Thus, palatalized k’ before the ancient front vowels developed into the affricate č (as ch in English church), and palatalized g’ in the same environment changed to dž (as j in judge), which became the spirant sound ž (as z in azure) in all Slavic languages.
Before front vowels resulting from ancient diphthongs, palatalized k’ changed to a ts sound, written as c (e.g., Old Church Slavonic cěna ‘price,’ Serbian and Croatian cijèna, Russian cena, cognate to Lithuanian káina), and g’ changed to a dz sound, which later changed to z (Old Church Slavonic [d]zelo ‘very,’ Old Czech zielo, Belarusian dialect do zěla, cognate to Lithuanian gaila). The sounds t’ (from tj) and d’ (from dj) changed into different stops, affricates, and spirants in the separate Slavic languages.
Such processes of assibilation of the palatalized velar (k’, g’) and dental (t’, d’) sounds happened repeatedly in the history of the individual Slavic languages. Palatalization (softness) as a distinctive feature of most consonant sounds has been preserved in East Slavic; for example, in Modern Russian palatalized (or soft) t’, d’, s’, z’ contrast with nonpalatalized (or hard) t, d, s, z. (The contrast between the palatalized k’ and the hard k is just now in the process of development.) Some West Slavic languages also have that contrast of palatalized and nonpalatalized consonants, whereas others do not. Czech, Slovak, and Serbian and Croatian, which have the usual three sets of labial, dental, and velar consonants inherited from the protolanguage, have developed a special additional series of palatal stops. In all the Slavic languages, voiced stop and fricative consonants (pronounced with vibrating vocal cords) contrast with voiceless consonants (pronounced without vibrating vocal cords).
The tendency to increase the number of different spirants (nonstops) is connected with the processes of palatalization. In Ukrainian and the Southern Russian dialects and in Belarusian, Czech, Slovak, Upper Sorbian, and some Slovene dialects, there also developed a voiced velar spirant sound, forming a pair with the voiceless velar spirant x of the Proto-Slavic language. The nasal vowels ę and ǫ that had developed in Proto-Slavic from older combinations of vowels with nasal consonants (still retained in Baltic) have been preserved only in some Lekhitic languages and in some South Slavic dialects, especially those of Slovene. The vowel systems are especially rich in those Slavic languages that have preserved prosodic differences in pitch (tone) and quantity (length versus shortness)—Serbian and Croatian, Slovene, and Northern Kashubian. The reshaping of the Slavic vowel systems is in large measure a result of the loss of the yers, which had different effects in different dialects.
Stress accents
Differences in vowel quantity have also been preserved in Czech and Slovak, in which new long vowels developed as a result of contraction (two syllables changing into one). A fixed stress accent is found in the West Slavic languages as well as Macedonian, in contrast to Proto-Slavic, Serbian and Croatian, Slovene, Bulgarian, and the East Slavic languages. In Czech and Slovak, as well as in Sorbian and Southern Kashubian, stress is fixed on the first syllable of the word, but in Polish, Eastern Slovak, and Southern Macedonian, it falls on the next to the last syllable of the word, whereas in Western and standard Macedonian, it falls on the third syllable from the end. The Slavic languages with a nonfixed placement of stress reflect the Proto-Slavic (and Indo-European) distinction between two types of noun and verb paradigms: (1) the paradigm with movable stress in which the stress (indicated here by ′) falls on the root in some forms and on the inflectional ending in others (e.g., ‘head’ in Russian is golová in the nominative case and gólovu in the accusative; those forms derive from Proto-Slavic *golvá, *gólvǫ) and (2) the paradigm in which the stress is fixed on the stem (e.g., ‘willow’ in Russian is íva in the nominative case, ívu in the accusative, from *íva, *ívǫ).