The Descent of Ishtar to the Underworld
Mesopotamian mythology
Also known as: “Descent of Inanna”
Learn about this topic in these articles:
concept of the dead
- In death: Mesopotamia
In a myth called “The Descent of Ishtar to the Underworld,” the fertility goddess decides to visit kur-nu-gi-a (“the land of no return”), where the dead “live in darkness, eat clay, and are clothed like birds with wings.” She threatens the doorkeeper: “If thou openest not that I may…
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- In hell: Mesopotamia
In the poem Descent of Inanna, she sets forth to visit Ereshkigal’s kingdom in splendid dress, only to be compelled, at each of the seven gates, to shed a piece of her regalia. Finally, Inanna falls naked and powerless before Ereshkigal, who hangs her up like so much…
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