The Golden Cockerel
work by Rimsky-Korsakov
Also known as: “Le Coq d’or”, “Zolotoy petushok”
Learn about this topic in these articles:
ballet costume design
- In stagecraft: Costume of the 20th century and beyond
Natalya Goncharova’s design for Le Coq d’or in 1914 was unprecedented in its use of vivid colours, chiefly shades of red, yellow, and orange, with other colours for discordant emphasis. The forms of the costumes and their decorations were based on traditional Russian folk dress, though that dress was…
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discussed in biography
- In Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov: Legacy
…and the Maiden Fevronia, and Le Coq d’or (1909). Although these operas are part of the regular repertory in Russian opera houses, they are rarely heard abroad; only Le Coq d’or enjoys occasional production in western Europe and the United States.
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