The Influence of Literature upon Society
work by Staël-Holstein
Also known as: “De la littérature”
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In Germaine de Staël: Literary theories
…Ancient and Modern Literature and The Influence of Literature upon Society). This complex work, though not perfect, is rich in new ideas and new perspectives—new, at least to France. The fundamental theory, which was to be restated and developed in the positivism of Hippolyte Taine, is that a work must…
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French literature
- In French literature: Mme de Staël and the debate on literature
…works, De la littérature (1800; The Influence of Literature upon Society) and De l’Allemagne (1810; Germany), expanded conceptions of literature with the claim that different social forms needed different literary modes: in particular, postrevolutionary society required a new literature. She explored the contrast, as she saw it, between the literature…
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