The Legacy
poem by Villon
Also known as: “Le Lais”, “Le Petit Testament”
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In François Villon: Life
…himself entitled Le Lais (The Legacy). It takes the form of a list of “bequests,” ironically conceived, made to friends and acquaintances before leaving them and the city. To his barber he leaves the clippings from his hair; to three well-known local usurers, some small change; to the clerk…
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French literature
- In French literature: Villon and his contemporaries
…or Le Petit Testament (1456; The Legacy: The Testament and Other Poems). This mock legacy in eight-line octosyllabic stanzas is conversational and often facetious in tone, full of allusions to people and events sometimes made cryptic by Villon’s taste for antiphrasis. His main work, the Testament (or Le Grand Testament),…
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