The Vatican Swindle
work by Gide
Also known as: “Les Caves du Vatican”, “The Vatican Cellars”
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In André Gide: Great creative period
Les Caves du Vatican (1914; The Vatican Swindle) marks the transition to the second phase of Gide’s great creative period. He called it not a tale but a sotie, by which he meant a satirical work whose foolish or mad characters are treated farcically within…
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French literature
- In French literature: Gide
…Les Caves du Vatican (1914; The Vatican Cellars) caught the fancy of intellectuals with an anarchist bent, partly because of its celebration of the acte gratuit, undertaken not for gain or self-interest but as a gesture of authentic self-expression, but also because of its outrageously funny satire on humanity’s submission…
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