Tiantai, rationalist school of Buddhist thought that takes its name from the mountain in southeastern China where its founder and greatest exponent, Zhiyi, lived and taught in the 6th century. The school was introduced into Japan in 806 by Saichō, known posthumously as Dengyō Daishi.
The chief scripture of the school is the Lotus Sūtra (Chinese: Fahuajing; Sanskrit: Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra), and the school is thus also known as the Fahua (Japanese: Hokke), or Lotus, school.
The basic philosophical doctrine is summarized as the triple truth, or jiguan (“perfected comprehension”): (1) all things (dharmas) lack ontological reality; (2) they, nevertheless, have a temporary existence; (3) they are simultaneously unreal and temporarily existing—being the middle, or absolute, truth, which includes and yet surpasses the others. The three truths are considered to be mutually inclusive, and each is contained within the others. Because existence is ever-changing, the phenomenal world is regarded as identical with the world as it really is.

The doctrine of the triple truth was first taught by Huiwen (550–577); but Zhiyi, the third patriarch, is regarded as the founder of the school because of his own great contributions. Zhiyi organized the whole of the Buddhist canon according to the supposition that all the doctrines were present in the mind of Shakyamuni (the historical Buddha) at the time of his enlightenment but were unfolded gradually according to the mental capacities of his hearers. The Lotus Sūtra was considered the supreme doctrine, embodying all of the Buddha’s teachings.
In 804 Saichō, a Japanese monk, was sent to China expressly to study the Tiantai tradition. The inclusiveness of the Tiantai school, which arranged all Buddhist learning into one grand hierarchical scheme, was attractive to Saichō. On his return to Japan he attempted to incorporate within the framework of the Tiantai doctrine Zen meditation, vinaya discipline, and esoteric cults. The Tendai school, as it is called in Japanese, also encouraged an amalgamation of Shintō and Buddhism in the Ichijitsu (“One Truth”), or Sannō Ichijitsu Shintō.
The monastery founded by Saichō on Mount Hiei, near Kyōto, the Enryaku Temple, became the greatest centre of Buddhist learning of its time in Japan. Hōnen, and many other famous monks who later established their own schools, went there for training.
Saichō’s efforts to establish a Tendai ritual of ordination that would be more in keeping with Mahāyāna teachings and independent from the kaidan (“ordination centre”) at Nara bore results only after his death but was an important step in the Mahāyāna development in Japan.
After the death of Saichō, rivalry broke out between two factions of the school, which separated in the 9th century into the Sammon and the Jimon sects, headed by the two monks Ennin and Enchin. A third branch, the Shinsei, emphasizes devotion to the Buddha Amida.