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Assorted References
- major reference
- In Plato: Late dialogues of Plato
The Timaeus concerns the creation of the world by a Demiurge, initially operating on forms and space and assisted after he has created them by lesser gods. Earth, air, fire, and water are analyzed as ultimately consisting of two kinds of triangles, which combine into different…
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- application of geometry
- In geometry: Pythagorean numbers and Platonic solids
…in Plato’s creation story, the Timaeus, which presents the smallest particles, or “elements,” of matter as regular geometrical figures. Since the ancients recognized four or five elements at most, Plato sought a small set of uniquely defined geometrical objects to serve as elementary constituents. He found them in the only…
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- influence on Aristotle
- In Aristotle: Physics and metaphysics of Aristotle
…owes much to Plato’s dialogue Timaeus. As in that work, the Earth is at the centre of the universe, and around it the Moon, the Sun, and the other planets revolve in a succession of concentric crystalline spheres. The heavenly bodies are not compounds of the four terrestrial elements but…
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- source of Atlantis legend
- In Atlantis
…are two of Plato’s dialogues, Timaeus and Critias. In the former, Plato describes how Egyptian priests, in conversation with the Athenian lawgiver Solon, described Atlantis as an island larger than Asia Minor and Libya combined, and situated just beyond the Pillars of Hercules (the Strait of Gibraltar). About 9,000 years…
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- system of aesthetics
- In aesthetics: The contributions of the ancient Greeks
…more mystical writings, notably the Timaeus, contain hints of another approach to aesthetics, one based on the Pythagorean theory of the cosmos that exerted a decisive influence on the Neoplatonists. Through the writings of St. Augustine, Boethius, and Macrobius, the Pythagorean cosmology and its associated aesthetic of harmony were passed…
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- In Western philosophy: Philosophy
In the Timaeus, Plato tried to construct a complete system of physics, partly employing Pythagorean ideas.
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- concepts of matter and necessity
- In dualism: Greece and the Hellenistic world
In the Timaeus he considers the cosmos as a single harmony, which for the sake of completeness requires the existence of inferior levels that are bound not only to matter but also to Necessity (the realm of things that could not have been otherwise and that are…
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- God and Forms
- mainstay of Christian allegory
- In fable, parable, and allegory: The Greeks
…terms of myth in his Timaeus. Plato and Platonic thought became, through the influence of this and other texts on Plotinus (died 269/270) and through him on Porphyry (died c. 304), a pagan mainstay of later Christian allegory. Medieval translations of Dionysius the Areopagite (before 6th century ad) were equally…
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- Mithra interpretation
- In Mithraism: Mythology and theology
…demiurge, or creator, of the Timaeus: he was called “demiurge and father of all things,” like the Platonic demiurge. The four elements, the mixing bowl, the creation of time, and the attack of the wicked animals upon the newborn creature are well-known features of the Timaeus. The Mithraic doctrine of…
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- nonomnipotence of God
- In time: One-way view of time in the philosophy of history
Plato, in the Timaeus, conceived of God as being a nonomnipotent shaper and thus accounted for the manifest element of evil in phenomena. Marcion, a 2nd-century Christian heretic, inferred from the evil in phenomena that the creator was bad and held that a “stranger god” had come to…
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- panentheistic duality
- In pantheism: Greco-Roman doctrines
In the Timaeus an absolute and eternal God was recognized, existing in changeless perfection in relation to the world of forms, along with a World-Soul, which contained and animated the world and was as divine as a changing thing could be. Although the material can be variously…
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- soul theory
- In mystery religion: Platonists
In the Timaeus, which is an exposition of his theory of the universe, Plato also developed his theory of the soul. The earth is surrounded by the spheres of the seven planets; the eighth sphere is that of the fixed stars. Beyond the eighth sphere is the…
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