Von deutscher Baukunst
work by Goethe
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discussed in biography
- In Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Sturm und Drang (1770–76) of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
…and he started an essay, Von deutscher Baukunst (1773; “On German Architecture”), in praise of its architect. To cap it all, he fell in love again. In the little village of Sessenheim, not far from the Rhine River, and on the smallholding of its Lutheran pastor, Goethe found a rustic…
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views on Gothic architecture
- In Western architecture: Germany and central Europe
…von Steinbach—was a 16-page pamphlet, Von deutscher Baukunst (1772; “On German Architecture”), that was an inspiration to all future revivalists. Goethe epitomized the Gothic as the expression of the German spirit. The Gothic became a German form of architecture, and it was to remain such in the estimate of all…
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