What Is Metaphysics?
work by Heidegger
Also known as: “Was ist Metaphysik?”
Learn about this topic in these articles:
influence on Sartre
- In phenomenology: In France
…Heidegger’s Was ist Metaphysik? (1929; What Is Metaphysics?), in fact, are copied literally. The meaning of nothingness, which Heidegger in this lecture made the theme of his investigations, became for Sartre the guiding question. Sartre departs from Heidegger’s analytic of Dasein and introduces the position of consciousness (which Heidegger had…
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views on existence and nothingness
- In existentialism: Ontic structure of human existence
…work, Was ist Metaphysik? (1929; What Is Metaphysics?), Heidegger affirmed that “Human existence cannot have a relationship with being unless it remains in the midst of nothingness.” Rudolf Carnap, a leading member of the movement known as logical positivism, in an equally famous essay, “Überwindung der Metaphysik durch die logische…
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