If the principle of private autonomy were uncompromisingly applied to the law of agency, only an actually authorized agent could create legal rights and obligations for his principal. The will of the principal would then precisely define the boundaries of the agent’s competence; however, a third party cannot always make a reliable determination of whether the agent has acted within the scope of this authority. Rather, he must often rely upon the principal’s manifestation of the agent’s authority, which may go beyond the more restricted authority actually communicated by the principal to the agent. Often he must rely upon the fact that the agent holds a certain position, such as wife, partner, or employee, in the belief that the normal incidents of authority implied by such a position are present, even though special restrictions on the agent’s authority may have been made. And sometimes a third party must rely upon an earlier declared authorization that has since been revoked internally by the principal. Obviously, a third party cannot be expected to check all the details of the agent’s internal authorization, especially since representation makes sense only when it functions efficiently and since use of an agent is also for the benefit of the principal. Therefore, the risk that the agent has acted without power of representation must be apportioned between the principal and the third party, with individual factors determining who must bear it in a particular case. This compromise is the subject of the doctrine of apparent authority.
It is obvious that the expression apparent authority is inappropriate since in none of the above cases is the competence of the agent illusory. With respect to the third party, at least, the authority of the agent is no less real than it would be if it were in conformity with the will of the principal. The distinction between apparent and real lies rather in the justification of the agent’s acts in relation to the principal. In contrast to apparent authority, real authority is more than mere power of an agent, for along with the agent’s legal power “looking out” (posse) stands his privilege “looking in” to the lawfulness of his conduct (licere). In the case of a real authority, power and privilege to exert the power are coextensive as against the principal, while, in the case of apparent authority, the agent has only the external legal power to perform without the corresponding internal justification vis-à-vis the principal.
Although the expression apparent authority spread from continental Europe, where it was used by, among others, the influential French classicist Robert Pothier (1699–1772), into English law, where Lord Ellenborough applied it in Pickering v. Busk (1812), its development in the two legal systems was independent and went systematically different ways. Nevertheless, the results obtained in concrete situations by the courts of both systems often seem rather similar. A similar disparity marked the development of the doctrine within Europe itself, with the formulation of different rules in the French system, which largely identifies authority and mandate, and in the German system, which distinguishes the two ideas. Another general tendency that has arisen in both legal systems has been to objectify the more subjective aspects of the doctrine, thus making the legal consequences more certain and predictable. Today both Anglo-American and continental courts permit the legal consequences of an agency relationship to result even when the principal is not willfully responsible for the appearance of authority.
Similar situations can also lead to opposite approaches in some matters. Here also it depends in the first instance upon whether the principal or the third party must bear the risk, since in general an agent acting without authority is not personally responsible. The question arises as to whether and to what degree the authority of the agent to bind his principal is affected by the death of the principal. According to the traditional English view (Campanari v. Woodburn; 1854), this event automatically terminates the agent’s powers, irrespective of whether the agent or the third party knew or should have known of the death. While the rule originally might have rested upon the “fiction of identity” between principal and agent, today it is supported more by the technical argument that what a dead man cannot himself do, he cannot do through another, with further support garnered from the so-called doctrine of the meeting of the minds that is necessary for concluding a contract.
In contrast, the continental legal systems have evolved less doctrinaire solutions to this question based more on considerations of protection of the concerned parties. Article 2008 of the French Civil Code even goes so far as to treat all transactions of an agent who acts in ignorance of the death of his principal as valid. The more balanced solution offered by the courts on the Continent, however, is to make the good faith of the third party the determinative factor, since in the usual case the real interest of the agent is simply to avoid any personal obligation.
Disclosed and undisclosed agency
Continental European laws restrict the application of agency rules to cases where the agent acts openly in another’s name. Thus, French jurists infer from article 1984 of their Civil Code, according to which agency is the act of the agent pour le mandant et en son nom (“for and on behalf of the principal”), the negative conclusion that in case an agent does not disclose that he is acting as an agent for a principal, the consequences touch only the “agent” himself. The hidden principal is not concerned by the effects of the transaction at all. Section 164 of the West German Civil Code expressly provides that “an agent, who acts without disclosing the fact that he is acting as agent, is the only one to acquire any rights and is exclusively personally liable.”
In contrast to the continental view, when an agent contracts in his own name without disclosing his principal, the common law allows the undisclosed principal under certain conditions to sue or be sued by the third party. Such conditions include that the agent had power to make the contract and that the parties eventually learn their respective identities. This wider concept of agency has no counterpart in continental legal tradition.
The use of this basic doctrine in the common-law countries gives rise to questions regarding the identity of the undisclosed principal, the election of remedies that must be made by the third party, the extent of the respective liabilities, the right of the third party to setoff (the amount of its own damages from any sum that might be awarded it), etc. A solution to these conflicts of interests must in final analysis rest upon an evaluation of the extent to which the relationship between the undisclosed principal and the agent should influence the contract made by the agent with a third party.