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- hymn
- liturgical music
canticle, (from Latin canticulum, diminutive of canticum, “song”), a scriptural hymn text that is used in various Christian liturgies and is similar to a psalm in form and content but appears apart from the book of Psalms. In the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) there are at least a dozen such hymns (called the cantica minora, or “lesser canticles”).
A few of these are known to have been used in Jewish services both at the Temple of Jerusalem and at the synagogue. Of several New Testament canticles (the cantica majora, the “greater canticles,” also known as the “evangelical canticles”), three are used daily in the Roman Catholic rite: Benedictus (Luke 1: 68–79), the canticle of Zechariah, at lauds (morning prayer); Magnificat (Luke 1: 46–55), the canticle of the Virgin Mary, at vespers (evening prayer); and Nunc dimittis (Luke 2: 29–32), the canticle of Simeon, at compline (nighttime prayer). (See also divine office.) The Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England applies the word canticle only for the benedicite, but, in practice, the term has been adopted for the psalms and hymns used daily in the morning and evening prayers.
A number of other texts not originating in the Bible are also generally regarded as canticles; these include the Apostles’ Creed and the Te Deum laudamus (more popularly called the Te Deum), which has been one of the canticles of morning prayer in Anglican church music since 1549. The term canticles is sometimes used as an abbreviation for Canticum canticorum (“Song of Songs”), an alternative name for the Song of Solomon, selections from which have been frequently used in the composition of motets.