
welfare organization
Also known as: charitable organization

Learn about this topic in these articles:

charity fraud

  • In charity fraud

    …of fraud that occurs when charitable organizations that solicit funds from the public for philanthropic goals, such as seeking cures for diseases or aiding the families of slain police officers, solicit donations in a deceptive manner or use the monies that they collect for purposes not intended by the donors.…

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  • mosaic: Christianity
    In Christianity: Property, poverty, and the poor

    …in continuing popularity, is personal charity. This was the predominant form of the church’s relationship to the poor from the 1st to the 16th century. The second perspective supplements the remedial work of personal charity by efforts for preventive welfare through structural changes in society. This concern to remove causes…

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corporate donations

  • A famous business organization
    In business organization: The social role of the large company

    …projects and make contributions to charities. A certain percentage of these donations can be deducted from a corporation’s taxable income. Most of the donated money goes to private health, education, and welfare agencies, ranging from local hospital and charity funds to civil rights groups and cultural institutions.

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evolution of social welfare

  • Social Security age verification
    In social security: Developments to c. 1900

    In many societies charity has been the traditional way in which provision was made for the poor. Charitable giving has been encouraged by many different religions, and in many parts of the world religious agencies have long collected charitable donations and distributed help to those in need.

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  • London
    In London: Tudor London

    …the cessation of the religious charities, the city organized poor relief in 1547, providing grain in times of scarcity and promoting the foundation or reconstitution of the five royal hospitals: St. Bartholomew’s, Christ’s, Bethlehem (the madhouse known as Bedlam), St. Thomas’s, and Bridewell. Many of the private charities founded at…

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