Current U.S. practice
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Unlike their counterparts who confessed to wrong-doing in the ancient world, those who confess to crime today in the United States cannot anticipate a great deal of leniency. Sometimes a confession induced by a promise from police or prosecutors to recommend a reduced sentence will indeed result in a plea arrangement that provides for less than the maximum sentence. Also, sentencing guidelines in some jurisdictions permit sentencing judges and juries to take a sincere confession and acknowledgment of remorse into account. Nevertheless, the United States is among the world leaders in terms of its incarceration rate, and American prisoners, on the average, serve longer sentences than those convicted of similar crimes in other Western democracies. A confession to a serious offense is more likely than not to result in a conviction and a serious punishment, and police will naturally do their best to persuade suspects to confess, especially when other evidence is lacking. Thus, in the long run, the remedy for false, involuntary, or unreliable confessions lies in better police training, closer judicial scrutiny of police interrogation methods, and the development of a societal consensus against modern variations of ancient tortures.
Kenneth C. Haas The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica