Mesopotamian religion
Also known as: entu
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function in Mesopotamia
- In history of Mesopotamia: The Sumerians to the end of the Early Dynastic period
…the ruler’s special title was en. In later periods this word (etymology unknown), which is also found in divine names such as Enlil and Enki, has a predominantly religious connotation that is translated, for want of a better designation, as “en-priest, en-priestess.” En, as the ruler’s title, is encountered in…
Read More - In Mesopotamian religion: Administration
…priestesses the highest-ranking was termed en (Akkadian: entu). They were usually princesses of royal blood and were considered the human spouses of the gods they served, participating as brides in the rites of the sacred marriage. Other ranks of priestesses are known, most of them to be considered orders of…
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