
information theory

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  • major reference
    • Shannon's communication model
      In information theory: Entropy

      Shannon’s concept of entropy can now be taken up. Recall that the table Comparison of two encodings from M to S showed that the second encoding scheme would transmit an average of 5.7 characters from M per second. But suppose that, instead of the…

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  • distortion of communications
    • communication
      In communication: Entropy, negative entropy, and redundancy

      Another concept, first called by Shannon a noise source but later associated with the notion of entropy (a principle derived from physics), was imposed upon the communication model. Entropy is analogous in most communication to audio or visual static—that is,…

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work of

    • Shannon
      • In Claude Shannon

        …a communications system, called the entropy (analogous to the thermodynamic concept of entropy, which measures the amount of disorder in physical systems), that is computed on the basis of the statistical properties of the message source.

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    • Sinai
      • In Yakov Sinai

        …a communications system, called the entropy, that is computed on the basis of the statistical properties of the message source. (In Shannon’s information theory, the entropy is analogous to the thermodynamic concept of entropy, which measures the amount of disorder in physical systems.) Sinai and Kolmogorov in 1959 extended this…

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