flag of Rwanda

Under the Belgian colonial regime, the elite Tutsi minority ruled the social, political, and economic life of Rwanda. The majority Hutu eventually organized a revolt against this feudal system, which culminated in a civil war that began on November 1, 1959. On March 23, 1960, the new Provisional Special Council, which was established by the Belgians and dominated by Hutu members, demanded the creation of a national flag and a reduction in the powers of the traditional mwami (Tutsi king).
On January 28, 1961, the Republic of Rwanda was proclaimed under a vertical tricolour of red, yellow, and green—the pan-African colours. In the flag of Rwanda these symbolized, respectively, the blood shed for liberation, peace and tranquillity, and hope and optimism. In late September 1961 a black “R” was added to the centre of the flag to distinguish it from the otherwise identical flag of Guinea and to symbolize the name of the country, revolution, and referendum. No change was made in the flag when independence was finally attained from Belgium on July 1, 1962, nor when a Tutsi-dominated army overthrew the Hutu government in 1994, following the killing of hundreds of thousands of Tutsi.
In 1999 the government inaugurated a genocide memorial and announced plans to change the flag design, which was associated with Hutu extremism. A new national flag was hoisted on December 31, 2001, with the aims of promoting national unity, respect for work, heroism, and self-assurance. Its design represents Rwanda’s lush vegetation, bathed in the yellow light of the sun. A new national anthem, adopted at the same time as the flag, was also intended to promote peace and national unity.