Soil management, irrigation, and fertilization
Soil management
Two soil management practices (1) clean cultivation and chemical weed control or both and (2) permanent sod culture, illustrate contrasting purposes and effects. In clean cultivation or chemical weed control, the surface soil is stirred periodically throughout the year or a herbicide is used to kill vegetation that competes for nutrients, water, and light. Stirring increases the decomposition rate of soil organic matter and thereby releases nitrogen and other nutrients for use by the fruit crop. It may also provide some improvement in water penetration. On the other hand, laying bare the soil surface exposes it to erosion; destruction of organic matter eventually lowers fertility and causes soil structure to change from loose and friable to tight and compacted. Though sod culture minimizes the destructive processes and may permit a modest increase in fertility, the sod itself competes with fruit plants for water and nutrients and may even compete for light. As a result, permanent sod culture is practical only with tree crops that are normally rather low in vegetation, such as apple, pear, sweet cherry, nuts, and mango. Competition from established sod may be detrimental to vigorously growing fruit plants like grape, peach, and raspberry unless adequate fertilizer and water are supplied.
Because each of these soil management systems has advantages and disadvantages, modifying or complementary practices are often used; for example, cover cropping, mulching, and chemical control of vegetation with or without strip sod in the row middles. In fact, the trend is toward mowed sod middles with strip chemical control under the trees and with overhead sprinklers during hot dry weather. Sprinklers not only provide water but tend to cool the plants and give fruit of better market quality without aggravating diseases. Cultivation combined with winter cover cropping has been used widely in grape, peach, cherry, bush fruit, and citrus plantings, as well as with other species. Mulching is the addition of undecomposed plant materials such as straw, hay, or processors’ refuse to the soil under the plants. In orchards, mulching materials are most often applied under trees maintained in permanent sod. Strip in-row chemical control of vegetation in commercial fruit plantings has almost taken over as an economical and sound practice.
In semi-arid and arid regions, irrigation is necessary. Probably the maximum demand occurs in date gardens, because they expose a large leaf surface the year around under conditions of high evaporation and practically no rainfall. Irrigation in humid climates is generally being provided increasingly during extended dry periods that occur at one time or another during most growing seasons. For example, large acreages of banana are irrigated on coastal lowlands of the torrid tropics where annual rainfall exceeds 60 inches (1,500 millimetres).
Needs of perennial fruit plants for fertilizers depend on the natural fertility of the soil supporting them and on their individual requirements. Of the essential elements, supplemental nitrogen is almost always needed; potassium supplements may be needed, even in some desert areas. Although strawberry, grape, peach, and a few other fruits have responded favourably to phosphorus, and although its application has been recommended, the phosphorus requirement of woody plants is low and deficiency is rather rare. Calcium deficiency may be more common than realized; lime is often desirable to reduce soil acidity and because of other indirect benefits. Inadequate magnesium in the soil has been noted by workers studying a wide range of fruit species. Of the trace elements, zinc, iron, and boron are most likely to be deficient, but copper, manganese, and molybdenum deficiencies also are being reported for some fruits in some regions. Iron deficiency is difficult to control in orchards where soils have high alkalinity. Granulated fertilizers in modern close-planted commercial orchards are usually broadcast by machine a month or two before growth starts. Additional nitrogen sometimes is applied in heavy crop years to apple, pear, and citrus.
Crop enhancement
The stimulus of pollination, fertilization, and seed formation is needed to get good size, shape, and flavour of most of the fruits. (Banana, pineapple, and some citrus and fig varieties are exceptions.) Transfer of pollen from the anthers (male) to the stigmas (female) is accomplished in nature either by insects or by movement in air. It is common practice to bring beehives into the orchard during bloom. Rainy cold weather during bloom with little or no sunshine can deter activity of the honey bee (the key insect pollinator) and reduce fruit set appreciably. This is one of the main problems not fully solved by fruit researchers. Hand-pollination by daubing collected and preserved pollen onto the stigma (as is done with date palms) sometimes is practiced for other fruits, but this approach is not widespread.

Removal of flowers or young fruit (thinning) is done to permit the remaining fruits to grow more rapidly and to prevent development of such a large crop that the plant is unable to flower and set a commercial crop the following year. Thinning is done by hand, mechanically, or chemically. With the date, the pistillate flower cluster is reduced in size at the time of hand-pollination. In the case of certain table grape varieties, some clusters are cut off. With the Thompson seedless grape, a combination of girdling the trunk bark and judicious application of gibberellin (growth regulating) sprays at blossoming gives excellent full bunches.
Young peach fruits are thinned by striking the branches with a padded pole or by shaking the entire tree for a few seconds with a well-padded motor-driven shaker arm grasping the trunk. Hand thinning of young apple and peach fruits once was also a common practice, but because of the expense and difficulty, there has been increasing use of chemical sprays as a substitute. Two kinds of sprays are used: (1) mildly caustic sprays applied during bloom, such as Elgetol in arid regions, or (2) sprays of growth-regulating substances such as 3-CPA (2,3-chlorophenoxy propionamide) applied within a few weeks after bloom in areas with late frosts.
Pest control and preservation
In many fruit enterprises, pest control is the most expensive and time-consuming growing practice. Where the concentration of fruit farms in an area warrants it, individual efforts are complemented by legislative measures including quarantine regulations to force removal of pest-laden, unattended orchards. Sometimes the most economical control procedure is biological in nature. There is increased research today to find and multiply parasites that kill fruit crop pests. Such biological methods are necessary as political pressures increase for banning DDT and other chemicals. Selection of varieties that are immune, resistant to attack, or tolerant to specific pests, is a biological control procedure also widely used. Chemical control procedures, however, are relied on most heavily. Air-blast spray or mist-application machinery covering 70 acres (28 hectares) of trees or more in a day is now in common use.