indefinite integral

Also known as: antiderivative, primitive

Learn about this topic in these articles:


  • An illustration of the difference between average and instantaneous rates of changeThe graph of f(t) shows the secant between (t, f(t)) and (t + h, f(t + h)) and the tangent to f(t) at t. As the time interval  h approaches zero, the secant (average speed) approaches the tangent (actual, or instantaneous, speed) at (t, f(t)).
    In calculus: Differentiation and integration

    This is called the (indefinite) integral of the function y = x2, and it is written as ∫x2dx. The initial symbol ∫ is an elongated S, which stands for sum, and dx indicates an infinitely small increment of the variable, or axis, over which the function is being summed.…

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definition and notation

  • In integral

    An indefinite integral, sometimes called an antiderivative, of a function f(x), denoted byis a function the derivative of which is f(x). Because the derivative of a constant is zero, the indefinite integral is not unique. The process of finding an indefinite integral is called integration.

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