land tenure
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- land reform
- In land reform
…by the laws governing land tenure. These laws specify the acceptable forms of tenure and the privileges and responsibilities that go with them. They define the land title and the extent to which the owner can freely dispose of it and of the income accruing from its use. In this…
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- ownership in common
- In culture: Economic systems
…band or tribe “holds” the land it occupies; here again, it is tenure rather than ownership that is significant; the land “belongs” to Nature, or Mother Earth; people merely hold and use it. There is usually an intimate relationship between the people and “their” land. Navajo Indians fell on their…
Read More - In inheritance: Inheritance and individual ownership of property
…goods, or at least of land, was once universal among mankind can be neither proved nor disproved. Group ownership has been widespread but by no means universal among primitive and archaic agriculturalists. It has, indeed, persisted into modern times in India and parts of Africa and Asia, and it played…
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- In culture: Economic systems
- farm management effects
- In farm management: Land, livestock, and labour
…developing countries, traditional patterns of land tenure and laws of inheritance may result in one farmer holding many quite small plots at some distance from each other. To reduce the resulting labour inefficiency and low productivity and to spur development of large-scale agriculture, governments in these countries have frequently legislated…
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- In farm management: Land, livestock, and labour
- peasant agricultural systems
- In primitive culture: The village with internal specialization and exchange
Land ownership and tenure patterns are variable and complex. There are owners of large holdings who hire labour by wage or by shares. The majority are family-owners and workers of small plots, but large numbers of agricultural workers are landless, working only for others. Many…
Read More - In primitive culture: The closed regional market system
…not usually subject to outside landowners. Thus, the encogido syndrome derives not from any inferior position of the peasantry to a resident owner (as in the hacienda system) but from the simple fact of ethnic stratification. These Indians feel themselves in an inferior position to everyone else in the whole…
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countries and social groups
- reforms of Saʿīd Pasha
- In Saʿīd Pasha
…change Egypt’s traditional system of land tenure, he enacted, in 1855, a law that permitted the male descendants of a peasant to inherit his land. Three years later Saʿīd passed another law limiting land inheritance to Muslims, thus considerably reducing the circle of relatives entitled to an inheritance. Few peasants…
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England and Scotland
- In United Kingdom: The social system
…food rent charged on all land; and rights to various services. He rewarded his followers with grants of land, probably at first for their lifetime only, but the need to provide permanent endowment for the church brought into being a type of land that was free from most royal dues…
Read More - In United Kingdom: The introduction of feudalism
…on a piecemeal basis as lands came into his hands. He granted lands directly to fewer than 180 men, making them his tenants in chief. Their estates were often well distributed, consisting of manors scattered through a number of shires. In vulnerable regions, however, compact blocks of land were formed,…
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- burgage
- entail
- In entail
…English law, an interest in land bound up inalienably in the grantee and then forever to his direct descendants. A basic condition of entail was that if the grantee died without direct descendants the land reverted to the grantor. The concept, feudal in origin, supported a landed aristocracy because it…
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- In entail
- law
- In common law: The feudal land law
During the critical formative period of common law, the English economy depended largely on agriculture, and land was the most important form of wealth. A money economy was important only in commercial centres such as London, Norwich, and Bristol. Political power was rural…
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- American colonies
- In United States: Economic growth
Land, which initially served only individual needs, came to be the fundamental source of economic enterprise. The independent yeoman farmer continued to exist, particularly in New England and the middle colonies, but most settled land in North America by 1750 was devoted to the cultivation…
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- Byzantine Empire
- In Byzantine Empire: Social and economic change
…and power were based on land ownership and who held most of the higher military posts. Trade and industry in the cities were so rigidly controlled by the government that almost the only profitable form of investment for private enterprise was the acquisition of landed property. The military aristocracy, therefore,…
Read More - In Byzantine Empire: Alexius I and the First Crusade
…extending the system of granting estates in pronoia (by favour of the emperor) and tying the grant to the military obligation. The recipient of a pronoia was entitled to all the revenues of his estate and to the taxes payable by his tenants (paroikoi), on condition of equipping himself as…
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- Europe
- In history of Europe: Poverty
Throughout Europe, land changed hands between lender and borrower: foreclosure and forfeit is an aspect of primitive capitalism often overlooked in the focus on trade and manufacturing. Society, even in long-settled areas, revealed a constant flux. As the 20th-century French historian Marc Bloch pointed out, hierarchy was…
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- India
- In India: Trends in early Indian society
…patterns were those relating to land and to commerce. The transition from tribal to peasant society was a continuing process, with the gradual clearing of wasteland and the expansion of the village economy based on plow agriculture. Recognition of the importance of land revenue coincided with the emergence of the…
Read More - In India: Organization
Cornwallis’s permanent settlement of the land revenue is the measure that most deeply affected the life and structure of Indian society, three-quarters of the revenue coming from the land. He found a system of hereditary zamindars, who had acquired police and magisterial powers as well and who were much shaken…
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- Italy
- In Italy: Economic change
…Italians still lived on the land, and the prosperity of any town depended greatly on its contado, or the rural territory that it governed. Here, despite differences in agriculture due to different climates and types of soil, certain patterns of development occurred within the peninsula. By the end of the…
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- Japan
- In Japan: The Hideyoshi regime
…nearly one-eighth of Japan’s cultivated land. But aside from those in the metropolitan and surrounding provinces, these lands were in many cases divided among the distant, independent tozama (“outside”) daimyo, and the management of these lands was entrusted to them. Such lands were thus not firmly in the grasp of…
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- Melanesia
- In Melanesian culture: Kinship and local groups
…held corporate title to the land itself. That is, land was inherited and held collectively by the descendants of those who initially cleared it. Use rights might then be extended to others. In coastal zones, corporate title might also obtain for reefs or fishing grounds. In many areas the relationship…
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- Micronesia
- In Micronesian culture: The Micronesian way of life
Because arable land was in short supply for the relatively dense population, Micronesians had a strong practical basis for their attachment to locality and lands. Land rights were usually held through lineages or extended family groups, often backed up by traditions of ancestral origins on the land.
Read More - In Micronesian culture: Property and exchange
Specific land-tenure customs varied considerably from island to island, even among those with related cultures, but in general land was owned by extended families or lineages. Individuals acquired use rights to particular plots through their kin connections, acknowledging the rights of the group by periodic offerings…
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- Polynesia
- In Polynesian culture: Property and exchange
…as well as facilities and land intended directly for community use, such as a ceremonial ground, a fortification, or a large breadfruit-paste storage pit.
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- Russia
- In Russia: Ivan III
…a regular bureaucracy and a land-tenure system, these achievements created new problems for his successors. The system of land grants to military servitors, maintained for centuries (with changes) in all conquered lands, ultimately suppressed the interest of both landlords and tenants in increasing agricultural productivity.
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- South American Indians
- In South American forest Indian: Economic systems
Land is generally owned by the group occupying or exploiting it—a band, a village, or a clan—and parcelled out to families or other small units for hunting, fishing, or planting. Collective tribal land or territory exists only in rare cases, when the solidarity between the…
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- Sri Lanka
- In Sri Lanka: Land control
Some significant changes took place in land relations and land control during this period. The grain tax—payable directly to the state in cash or in kind—that had been central to the land revenue system in the northern regions diminished in importance as the…
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