language acquisition
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- major reference
- In language: Language acquisition
In regard to the production of speech sounds, all typical humans are physiologically alike. It has been shown repeatedly that children learn the language of those who bring them up from infancy. These are often the biological parents, but one’s first language is…
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- animal abilities
- In animal learning: Language learning
The ability to speak was regarded by Descartes as the single most important distinction between humans and other animals, and many modern linguists, most notably Noam Chomsky, have agreed that language is a uniquely human characteristic. Once again, of course, there are problems…
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- In animal learning: Language learning
- child development
- In preschool education: Modern theories
…the child experiences the greatest language growth; words and other symbols become a way to represent both the outside world and inner feelings. At this stage the child’s adjustments depend on learning by trial and error, but he also manages things by intuition. He begins to integrate symbolization and elementary…
Read More - In linguistics: Language acquisition by children
One of the topics most central to psycholinguistic research is the acquisition of language by children. The term acquisition is preferred to “learning,” because “learning” tends to be used by psychologists in a narrowly technical sense, and many psycholinguists believe that…
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- In preschool education: Modern theories
- human behaviour and language development
- In human behaviour: Language
The capacity for language usually emerges in infants soon after the first birthday, and they make enormous progress in this area during their second year. Language is a symbolic form of communication that involves, on the one hand, the comprehension of words and sentences…
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- speech disorders
- In speech disorder: Disorders of language development
The most frequent speech disorders are those that disturb the child’s acquisition or learning of language. Studies of large numbers of children with developmental language disorders have shown that at least two chief classes of these disorders may be distinguished: general language disability…
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- work of Thomas
- In Michel Thomas
…his innovative technique of foreign-language instruction (the Michel Thomas Method) and for his glamorous clients, who included Grace Kelly, Alfred Hitchcock, Barbra Streisand, and Woody Allen. Thomas promised to teach his clients the basic elements of a new language in only a few days (for a substantial fee) by…
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- In Michel Thomas
- writing systems
- In writing: Alphabetic systems
Observation of children learning to read and write an alphabetic orthography suggests that children pass through some of the same stages in interpreting the code that the writing system itself passed through in the course of its development. The youngest child’s hypothesis about writing is that words must…
Read More - In writing: The rise of literacy
…which the script can be acquired, and expressive power refers to the script’s resources for unambiguously expressing the full range of meanings available in the oral language. These two dimensions are inversely related to each other. Simple restricted scripts are readily learned. Pictographic signs such as those used in “environmental…
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foreign language theories
- Comenius
- In John Amos Comenius: Educational reform
…was a better way of teaching Latin than by the inefficient and pedantic methods then in use; he advocated “nature’s way,” that is, learning about things and not about grammar. To this end he wrote Janua Linguarum Reserata, a textbook that described useful facts about the world in both Latin…
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- Jacotot
- In education: French theorists
…on the teaching of foreign languages. “You learn a foreign language,” he said, “as you learn your mother-language.” The pupil is confronted with a foreign language; he learns a text in the language almost by heart, compares it with a text in his own native language, and then tries gradually…
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learning and cognition theories
- In learning theory: Organization
…be the associationistic account of language learning. Even assuming one-trial acquisition, it was held that such individually learned associations could not account for all combinations of words people use; there are simply too many. They suggested that learning a language requires some general organizing structure on which words are hung.…
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- Chomsky
- In Noam Chomsky: Plato’s problem
…frequently been observed that children acquire both concepts and language with amazing facility and speed, despite the paucity or even absence of meaningful evidence and instruction in their early years. The inference to the conclusion that much of what they acquire must be innate is known as the argument from…
Read More - In empiricism: Contemporary philosophy
…considerations underlying the theory of language offered by the American linguist Noam Chomsky, who holds that the learning of language is far too rapid and too universal to be attributed entirely to an empirical process of conditioning. The basic strength of empiricism consists in its recognition that human concepts and…
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- Prabhakara and Kumarila
- In Indian philosophy: Hermeneutics and semantics
Prabhakara’s theory of language learning follows these contentions: the child learns the meanings of sentences by observing the elders issuing orders like “Bring the cow” and the juniors obeying them, and he learns the meaning of words subsequently by a close observation of the insertion (avapa) and extraction (uddhara)…
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